Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Page 546/CH 18/Imperialism- Intro (11/2 classwork)

Essential Question #4- Where does the drive for Expansion come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate the US role in the world historically and presently.

1.What is the name of the chapter?
2. What does that mean?
3. How can we remember these words "empire" and "imperialism"?
4. From the timeline, what is relevant to the thematic unit?
5. Describe the scene.
6. How does the painting depict TR and the Rough Riders?
7. How does such a depiction differ from the way soldiers probably act in battle?
8. Blue question on 547- "Does the US have a duty to fight for freedom in neighboring countries?"
9. 1st "examine the issues" question- "When should the US intervene in the affairs of another country?"
10. 2nd "examine the issues" question- "In what ways do dramatic headlines influence American opinion?"

Revisit- Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate the US role in the world historically and presently.

The Americans Chapter 18

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