Thursday, November 2, 2023

18.1 Notes and 18.1 Reflection

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of America becoming an empire.

American History 10- Chapter 18.1 notes (pages 546-553)
Directions: Questions answered together in class.  If absent, read pages 546 through 553 and answer the questions.
1.       What is the title of Chapter 18 (page 546)?
2.       Would you use the word “empire” with America today?  Why or why not?

3.       What is an empire?

4.       How can America be defined as an empire?

5.       What is imperialism? (548)

6.       How has the United States exercised imperialism?

7.       How does the United States exercise imperialism today?

8.    How can you remember imperialism?

9. How did the belief in cultural superiority play into Europeans and Americans gaining colonies? (550)

10.       Dates: Write the year of the event in the space provided.
_______________ Secretary of State William Seward buys Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. (550)
_______________  Alaska becomes a state. (550)
_______________McKinley annexes Hawaii (550)
_______________  Hawaii becomes a state. (550)
_______________  Jose Marti launches the Cuban revolution against Spain using the inspirational motto “Cuba Libre!” (552-553)
_____1898__________ The Spanish American War
11.    Who was the Hawaiian monarch who threatened to behead anyone who would want Hawaii to be part of the United States? ______________________________ (548)
12.    Leading the United States in Imperialist thought, who wrote the Influence of Sea Power Upon History which caused American leaders to build naval power and want to control other parts of the world? ______________________________ (549)
13.    Why was Alaska called “Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox” when that huge amount of territory was bought from Russia for just $7.2 million? (550)
14.    Why was buying Alaska not a folly at all? (550)

15.    Who overthrew the Hawaiian monarch to establish the Republic of Hawaii? ______________________________ (551)
16.    How could you describe Dole?
17.    How did someone like Dole affect Hawaii so much? (2 answers)

18.    How did the American President react?  Explain! (551)
19.    Who favored making Hawaii a state after Cleveland’s presidency was over? (551) ______________________________
20.    What Spaniard was called the “Butcher” for his treatment of people in Cuba in fanatical newspapers that were using a tactic or journalism style called “yellow journalism”? (553) ______________________________
21.    What was “yellow journalism”? (553)

22.    What does it remind you of?  Why?

23.    Who were two owners of newspapers that used “yellow journalism”? (Indicate who was the owner of which paper)

18.1 Reflection directions- In at least 4 meaningful and thoughtful sentences:

1- What caused US imperialism?

2- What was an effect of US imperialism?

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