Monday, November 20, 2023

19.3 Notes and Reflection

American History 10- 19.3
Note- This was posted as a google doc to complete on google classroom 11/18

Directions- Fill in the blanks
III. The War at __________________
The personal voice proves that before WWI women were not often in the workplace and even when they were their skill and potential was overlooked and they were paid poorly.
A.      Congress gives power to __________________
1.       __________________Industries Board
a.       Bernard Baruch led
b.      Mass production techniques
c.       Eliminate waste
d.      Set quotas and allocated raw materials
e.      Industrial production skyrocketed 20%
f.        RR administration
g.       Fuel administration
                                                                                                                                      i.      Gasless Sundays and lightless nights
h.      Daylight savings time (worst!)
2.       War __________________
a.       Hourly wages rose 20% for shipbuilders, meatpackers, etc.
b.      Stock in large companies also skyrocketed
c.       6,000 labor strikes broke out though
d.      Wilson established the National War Labor Board to settle disputes
                                                                                                                                      i.      8 hour work day
                                                                                                                                    ii.      safety inspections
                                                                                                                                  iii.      child labor ban
3.       __________________administration
a.       Headed by Herbert Hoover
b.      Instead of rationing one day was “meatless”, another “sweetless”, two days “wheatless”, and two other days “porkless”
c.       Restaurants removed sugar bowls
d.      Gardening exploded in popularity
B.      __________________the War
1.       War __________________
a.       The US raised over $35,000,000,000
b.      Progressive income tax
c.       War bonds sold
2.       Committee on Public __________________
a.       Propaganda agency headed by George Creel
b.      “4 minute men” spoke about the parts of the war
c.       Millions of books and pamphlets distributed
C.      Attacks on Civil __________________Increase
1.       Anti-Immigrant __________________
a.       Orchestras stopped playing music of Germans
b.      Librarians stopped having German authors on shelves
c.        Names of food changed
2.       __________________and Sedition Acts- A person could be fined 10,000 and sentenced up to 20 years in prison for interfering with the war effort or saying anything disloyal, profane or abusive about the government or the war effort
D.      The War Encourages __________________Change
1.       __________________Americans and the War
a.       W.E.B. Du Bois believed that Blacks should support the war effort
2.       The Great __________________
a.       Hundreds of thousands of Blacks migrated to Northern cities
3.       __________________Riots
4.       __________________in the War
a.       Women worked their traditional jobs
                                                                                                                                      i.      Nurses, clerks, teachers
b.      Women worked men’s jobs
                                                                                                                                      i.      Coal mining, shipbuilding, railroad workers, cooks, dockworkers, bricklayers, etc.
c.       The 19th amendment followed the war
5.       The __________________Epidemic
a.       Affected ¼ of the US population
b.      Economy was devastated
                                                                                                                                      i.      Mines shut down
                                                                                                                                    ii.      Telephone service was cut
                                                                                                                                  iii.      Cities ran out of coffins

                                                                                                                                   iv.      Flu killed over 500,000 Americans and 30,000,000 worldwide!

19.3 Reflection student learning objective- In at least 4 thoughtful sentences, students will make a connection between the information about "WWI at home" in the Americans textbook and their life, current country or world that they live in.

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