Thursday, November 16, 2023


Film clips:
  • 1917- US Entry to WWI

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will summarize what it took for WWI to be won!

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will be able to explain why the US celebrates Veterans' Day (Memorial Day and Labor Day also).
American History 10- 19.2
1.       What are the most heroic stories you have heard outside of war?

2.       What are the most heroic war stories you have heard?

3.       What are the most horrific war stories you have heard?

4.       How do the non-war stories compare with the war stories?

5.       Read and reflect on the personal voice on page 587.

6.       When _____________________ was declared the US only had 200,000 men in service
7.       The __________________________________________ instituted a draft
8.       Over 400,000 African Americans served but they were in ­_____________________ units until Harry Truman desegregated the US military in WWII
9.       13,000 _____________________served as nurses, secretaries, and telephone operators (non-combat)
10.   The US had to ­_____________________ produce and transport men, food and equipment across the Atlantic
11.   Only 637 Americans perished in the sea out of the 2,000,000 that traveled to Europe.  That was because of the success of the _____________________system.
12.   Explain and evaluate the convoy system.

13.   The American Expeditionary Force (AEF) was led by General ­_____________________

14.   People called Americans ­_____________________
15.   New weapons of WWI were:
a.       Machine ­guns
b.      Airships and airplanes- ­_____________________
c.       Anti-Aircraft guns
d.      Poison gas (_____________________ gas)
e.      Tanks- _____________________
f.        Barbed wire was also used
g.       ­_____________________ or submarines
16.   New hazards:
a.       “Shell shock”
b.      Trench foot
c.       Trench mouth
17.   1917- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk- _____________________ dropped out of WWI and Americans arrived to help the French and British just in time!
18.   Alvin York killed 25 Germans and with 6 other Americans captured 132 prisoners.  He was previously a conscientious _____________________
19.   An armistice or cease-fire was signed on November 11, 1918 at 11:00 AM.  It is forever remembered at _____________________ Day
20.   What do we call it now?
21.   Why?
22.   What is Memorial Day?
23.   When is it?
24.   What is Labor Day?
25.   When is it?
26.   WWI was the bloodiest war in history.  ­_____________________ people died.
27.   20,000,000 were wounded and 10,000,000 were left homeless.  People think the war might have cost __________________________________________

28.   The ­_____________________ lost 48,000 men in battle, 62,000 from disease and had over 200,000 injured.

Discuss- Student Learning Objective #1- Students will summarize what it took for WWI to be won!

Discuss- Student Learning Objective #2- Students will be able to explain why the US celebrates Veterans' Day (Memorial Day and Labor Day also).

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