Monday, November 27, 2023

All Quiet on the Western Front Questions and reflection

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will explain how Nationalism, militarism and the alliance system caused WWI by seeing young men go through it.

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will summarize how WWI affected Germans, French, British, etc.

American History 10- All Quiet on the Western Front Questions
  1. How was Nationalism displayed in this scene? (Scene 3)

  1. How do you think Nationalism can cause a war like this? (Scene 3)

  1. What were the young German students influenced to do? (Scene 3)

  1. What did Germans predict the “Great War” would be like? (Scene 3)

  1. How would you describe this group of young 17 and 18 year old German boys in 1914? (Scene 4)

  1. What did the boys expect to treat their drill sergeant like?  Why? (Scene 4)

  1. What were the boys expected to treat their drill sergeant like? (Scene 4)

  1. Do you agree with this?  Why or why not? (Scene 4)

  1. What did the boys think of their superior officer/drill sergeant (Himmelstoss)? (Scene 4)

  1. What did they do to Himmelstoss because of this? (Scene 4)

  1. What conditions of war did the boys not expect? (Scene 6)

  1. What is the difference between the young guys and the older guys? (Scene 6)

  1. Describe battle in the “war to end all wars” (WWI)? (discussion)

  1. What were problems with life in the trenches? (discussion)

  1. What psychological or health problems resulted from trench life/trench warfare? (discussion)
  2. Would you be able to keep your sanity?  Why or why not? (discussion)

  1. How was war fought differently before WWI? (discussion)

  1. How was war fought differently after WWI? (discussion)

  1. What new weapons were used in WWI? (discussion)

  1. “How does a war start”? (Scene 9)

  1. What does this quote mean to you… “I don’t want to shoot an Englishman!  I never saw an Englishman until now…” (Scene 9)

  1. What happened in the hospital? (Scene _)

  1. Why were boots so important? (Scene _)

  1. Why was a cherry tree so great? (Scene _)

  1. What happened to the 20 boys from the class at the beginning? (Discussion)

  1. How does the German soldier react when he kills a Frenchman in a trench?  Why? (Scene _)

  1. How does the movie depict war all together?  Explain (All scenes- Discussion)
Following class discussion, write your reflection following the below parameters.
1- Based on the movie and the questions, explain how Nationalism, militarism and the alliance system caused WWI by seeing young men go through it.  

2- Based on the movie and the questions, explain how WWI affected Germans, French, British, etc.

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