Tuesday, November 21, 2023

19.4 Notes and Pg 607 PCO

American History 10- 19.4
Student Learning Objective- Students will summarize the differing arguments surrounding the League of Nations and then will EVALUATE the League of Nations.

IV. Wilson Fights for __________________
Personal voice- Wilson struggled to get his League of Nations accepted by Congress.
A.      Wilson Presents his Plan
Wilson did not expect rejection of his plan after the receptions he received
1.       __________________ Points
a.       No secret treaties
b.      Freedom of seas
c.       Tariffs should be lowered or abolished to establish free trade
d.      Arms should be reduced to “lowest point consistent with domestic safety”
e.      Colonial policies should consider the interest of the colonial people as well as imperialist powers
f.        The next 8 dealt with post-war boundary changes
g.       14 point- __________________ of Nations- a forum for nations to discuss and settle grievances without resorting to war
2.       The Allies Reject Wilson’s Plan
a.       Big Four-
                                                                                                                                       i.      Woodrow Wilson
                                                                                                                                     ii.      __________________ leader- Georges Clemenceau
a.       Lived through 2 German invasions.  Wanted to prevent further invasions.
                                                                                                                                    iii.      __________________ leader- David Lloyd George
a.       “Make Germany pay!”
                                                                                                                                   iv.      __________________ leader- Vittorio Orlando
a.       Wanted Austrian territory promised when Italy switched sides!
b.      Contrary to custom, the conference did not invite the Central Powers.
                                                                                                                                       i.      Russia was not invited either because they had recently gone Communist and Germany was not invited because they were supposed to assume blame for the war
c.       Wilson gave up most of his 14 points to get his League of Nations!
B.      Debating the Treaty of Versailles
1.       Provisions of the Treaty
a.       9 new nations- __________________, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, etc.
b.      5 areas from the Ottoman Empire were given to France and Great Britain
c.       Germany was barred from maintaining an army
d.      Alsace-Lorraine returned to France
e.      $33,000,000,000 in reparations
2.       The Treaty’s weaknesses
a.       War-guilt clause made __________________ accept sole responsibility for WWI
b.      Reparations were not possible to repay
c.       Germany was stripped of their colonies, which could have helped them pay the reparations, and that was hypocritical when France and Great Britain just gained colonies
d.      Russia lost more territory than any country in the Treaty of Versailles- They became the USSR in 1922 and sought to gain massive amounts of territories in result
e.      Southeast Asians were ignored in their quest for freedom
3.       Opposition to the Treaty
a.       Herbert Hoover and others thought it was “too harsh”
4.       Debate over the League of Nations
a.       Henry Cabot Lodge wanted to modify
b.      William Borah and others were opposed
                                                                                                                                       i.      They did not want to be drawn into another war due to being in an international body
5.       Wilson Refuses to Compromise
a.       1919 8,000 mile tour
b.      34 speeches in 3 weeks
c.       Wilson suffered a stroke and was in poor health
d.      H.C. Lodge made amendments to it and the majority Republican Senate rejected it
e.      The US signed a treaty with Germany in 1921
f.        The US never joined the League of Nations
C.      The Legacy of the War
a.       Americans hoped to “return to normalcy" after WWI
b.      Fascist regimes took over Italy, Germany and __________________
c.       “It cannot be that two million Germans should have fallen in vain…No, we do not pardon, we demand- vengeance!” – Adolf __________________

                                                               i.      Proof that the way WWI was handled caused WWII


Student Learning Objective- Students will summarize the differing arguments surrounding the League of Nations and then will EVALUATE the League of Nations.

Our class Reflection- Pg. 607 Point/Counterpoint/Opinion

1- Summarize the "point"
2- Summarize the "Counterpoint"
3- Write your opinion

4 sentence minimum

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