Thursday, November 9, 2023

18.4 Notes

Film clip- Panama Canal
Why is it important?

Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate US imperialism historically and today with specific examples.
American History 10- 18.4 Notes
  1. The United States considered building a canal linking the _________________ and _________________ Oceans.
  2. The two best places to build one were _________________ and ______________
  3. _________________ was wider but had a huge lake in the middle of the country.  That would cut digging down.  However, it is not a salt lake so the digging would harm the _________________
  4. _________________ was the skinniest land, but it was mountainous and actually not a free country!  It was controlled by _________________
  5. _________________ had already started building a canal there and the US bought the rights for $_________________
  6. The canal was started by Americans in _______ and finished in _________
  7. The US paid Panama $________ up front for the canal usage and $_______ yearly as rent
  8. _________________ controls the Panama canal now
  9. See the diagram on page 567.  How does the Panama Canal work to bring a ship up to above sea level and then back down again?
  10. _________________ was a Mexican military dictator who had a good, strong, economic relationship with the _________________
  11. He was overthrown by _________________ who tried to make democratic reforms.  Madero was overthrown by the brutal General _____________
  12. President Wilson would not support the “government of ______________”
  13. _________________ overthrew Huerta and the U.S. recognized him as ally
  14. _________________ Villa was an armed bandit or vaquero who resisted Carranza.  He hated that the U.S. was friendly with Carranza.  So in one case Villa invaded _________________ and killed 18 people to oppose the US.
  15. General _________________ led an American force which chased Villa for one whole year without being able to apprehend him!
  16. The US and _________________ chose not to go to war but forces were lined up at the border.
  17. Read “a personal voice” on page 564.  What is Mark Twain saying?

  1. What did Rudyard Kipling truly believe (after writing the poem “White Man’s Burden”?

Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate US imperialism historically and today with specific examples. 

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