Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of WWI.

1.       Do you know more about WWI or WWII?
2.       Why do you think that is?

3.       What do you know about WWI?

4.       How did WWI affect people’s families?

5.       Read the personal voice on page 578 and respond.

6.       The causes of WWI
a.       ______________________
b.      ______________________
c.       ______________________
d.      ______________________
                                                               i.      Triple Entente consisted of France, Great Britain and ______________________
                                                             ii.      Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and ______________________
                                                            iii.      Later, the Triple Entente became the ______________________ Powers or the Allies when Italy changed sides and the US and other allies were added.
                                                           iv.      Also, the Triple Alliance changed to become known as the ________________ Powers when it lost Italy but gained the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
7.       The spark that set the causes off happened in 1914.  Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian national terrorist from the ______________________ terrorist organization. (film clip)
8.       Although the government of Serbia did not condone these actions, Austria-Hungary declared war on ______________________
9.       Obligated by the alliance system, Germany declared war on Serbia’s ally ______________________
10.   Germany also declared war on Russia’s ally ______________________
11.   Germany invaded ______________________ because it was easier to go through to get to France than just invading France.  Because of these actions, ______________________ declared war on Germany and the Great War began!
12.   The Schlieffen Plan called for holding Russia where they were and focusing on capturing ______________________ in order to knock France out of the war quickly
13.   WWI was fought mostly via ­______________________ warfare especially in France
14.   The land between the trenches was called “no-man’s ______________________” (see picture on page 582)
15.   The British ______________________ Germany and hundreds of thousands of Germans starved as a result.  Americans were not happy with the British blockade because it cut our trade off and restricted freedom of the seas!
16.   Also, another result was that the Germans declared unrestricted submarine warfare!  Their submarines were called ______________________
17.   1,198 people, including 128 ______________________were killed when the Lusitania was sunk!
18.   The Arabic and the Sussex were sunk, which also killed ______________________
19.   ______________________won re-election in the Election of 1916 with the slogan “He kept us out of war”
20.   The ______________________ Note proposed a treaty between Germany and Mexico.  Germany said they would help Mexico regain “lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.  This letter was intercepted and the news came with 36 more American deaths due to German sinkings.

21.   Wilson and the US Congress declared war on the Central Powers in ______________________

Discussion- Revisit Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of WWI.

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