Monday, November 6, 2023

18.2 Simulation reflection and notes

American History 10- Chapter 18 Section 2 Simulation and Notes
  1. Student Learning Objective #1- Students will decide what they would do or think as leader of Country A if the below scenario was true.  The map is drawn on the board! 
Country A is a young, growing world power isolated geographically from the rest of the world powers.  Country B has many territories as close as 90 miles from your shores.  There is a large movement in your country to go to war with country B because of several problems and things Country A could accomplish at the same time.
Country B is a perennial world power and has been accumulating colonies all over the world for hundreds of years.  Territories 1, 2, 3 and 4 are just about all that is left of their colonies.  Most of the countries in Country A’s part of the world speak the language and carry on the traditions of Country B.  Those countries have become independent though.  Country B is weaker politically, economically, and militarily than it ever has been before.
Country C is another perennial world power.  They have fought wars against and along side both country A and B.  Both countries A and B have sought diplomatic alliances with Country C before.  Country C is the world’s largest superpower and has no intention of getting involved in a current conflict.
  • One of Country A’s ships has been sunk off of the coast of territory 2.  260 men were killed.  Country A newspapers link the incident to Country B!
  • There was a letter intercepted from a Country B diplomat, calling you, the leader of country A “spineless and weak”.
  • There are a lot of settlers and businessmen from your country in territory 2 and 3.  They feel danger because there is a civil war going on there.  The natives are fighting Country B and many people are dying.  The war is definitely violent and Country A newspapers say that Country A citizens are being mistreated and even slaughtered!
  • 90% of the territory 2 sugar crop is controlled by businessmen from Country A
  • A famous poet from territory 2 lives in Country A’s largest city and writes literature for Country A to help fight Country B and free territory 2 and others from Country B’s cruel reign
  • Your newspapers report a general called “the Butcher” sticking civilians in concentration camps in territory 2.  Atrocities are being committed to innocent bystanders.
  • Country B is also fighting a violent war against Territory 4
Write a response of what your actions will be as leader of Country A

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will be able to summarize (explain in their own words) and analyze (examine methodically) the events concerning the Spanish-American War (1898)

  1. Read “A Personal Voice” on page 552.  Respond to the quote.
  2. What is the personal voice an example of?  Explain
  1. Why would yellow journalism newspapers want war?
  1. What is this war called?
  2. Who was country A?
  3. Who was country B?
  4. Who was Country C?
  5. Where is territory 1?
  6. Where is territory 2?
  7. Where is territory 3?
  8. Where is territory 4?
  9. Who was the poet, where was he from and where did he defect to? (553)
  10. How and why did Hearst and Pulitzer fuel the war? (553)
  1. What was the letter all about? (553)
  1. What really happened to that ship?
  1. How was war won in Cuba?
  1. How was war won in the Philippines?
  1. Explain the Treaty of Paris. (What did the US gain from Spain?)
  1. Why was Booker T. Washington against the Treaty of Paris? (557)
  2. Why was Samuel Gompers against the Treaty of Paris? (557)
  3. What happened in the Philippines in response to the 1898 Spanish American War and the 1898 Treaty of Paris? (561)
  1. What was wrong about that? (561)
  1. When did the Philippines become a free country?

  1. How has the US relationship changed with Cuba since 1898?

  1. What is the US-Puerto Rico (and US-Guam) relationship like today?

Causes of Spanish American War- 

Effects of Spanish American War- 

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