Wednesday, November 8, 2023

18.3 Notes

American History 10- 18.3

Film clip- Boxer Rebellion 1900

What happened?
What surprises you?

Essential Question #4- Where does the drive for Intervention/Imperialism come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

Essential Question #9- How have the cost and spoils of war affected the development of America?

Student learning objective
- Students will be able to summarize and evaluate US interference in another country or territory's affairs which took place or began around 1900.

  1. Read “A personal voice” on page 558.  What does Luis Munoz Rivera wish for?
  1. What has happened to his dream?
  2. What 4 territories were inherited by the US from Spain after the Spanish American War in 1898?
  3. Puerto Ricans are full US _________________
  4. In _________________, _________________, _________________, _________________  and _________________  Puerto Ricans voted regarding their political status
  5. Puerto Rico could have stayed a _________________, become a _________________ or become a _________________
  6. They chose to remain a _________________ the first 3 times
  7. What are the pros of Puerto Rico’s situation?
  1. What are the cons of Puerto Rico’s situation?
  1. The _________________ Amendment said that the U.S. had no intention of intervening in _________________ in 1898
  2. The _________________ Amendment said otherwise in 1900
  3. What did the Platt Amendment do?-Page 560

  1. The 1823 __________________________________  said that countries should stay out of the Western Hemisphere and Latin America.  If anyone intervened it would be the _________________
  2. The _________________ Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine reinforced what it said.  The United States reserved the right to intervene in Latin America and all other nations should steer clear.
  3. Thus Latin America was the United States’ _________________ of influence!
  4. Secretary of State _________________ thought that _________________ could be an “_________________ door” open to all imperialist nations
  5. He wrote the _________________ notes which offended martial artist groups in China
  6. A group called the “Righteous and Harmonious Fists” or _________________ rebelled and killed Westerners, whites, Christians, etc.
  7. This became known as the 1900 _________________ Rebellion
  8. Troops from BritainFranceGermany and Japan joined _________________ American troops who brutally shut down the rebellion.  Thousands of Chinese died.

18.3 Reflection
1- Summarize US interference in one of the country's or territories from today's notes.
2- Evaluate US interference in one of the country's or territories from today's notes.

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