Friday, December 1, 2023

Gallipoli Questions and reflection

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will generate examples of how nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the alliance system caused WWI.

American History 10- Gallipoli Questions
Directions: Watch the scenes of the movie and answer the questions.  The class will discuss before moving on to the next scene!
Scene in the desert- Scene 5
1.      Why does the blonde bloke not understand why his mate (Mel Gibson's character Frank Dunne) doesn’t want to join the war?

2.      Why should Frank Dunne join?

3. Frank says that it “is not our bloody war” and the Archy considers him a coward for not wanting to fight.  Who do you agree with?  Why?

4.      How did the war start?

5.      Why are they fighting against Turkey?

6.      “What does it have to do with us?”

7.      What do you think about the Archy's (blonde bloke) mentality?

8.      Where are these people from and where is this taking place?

9.      Why are people from that country eager to join the war?

Reflection directions- After class discussion, respond prompt #1 and it will be uploaded 11/23 with your 11/23 reflection to google classroom.

  • PROMPT #1- Using examples from the film Gallipoli and your own knowledge, how did nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the alliance system cause WWI?

Gallipoli Student Learning Objective #2- Students will understand how WWI affected people from countries like Australia, Turkey, United States, etc.
Before the battle in the Ottoman Empire at Gallipoli- Scene 12
10.  What do you think of Archy’s letter to his family?

11.  What happened after the mistake of waiting 3 minutes after the artillery strike on the Ottoman Turks?

12.  What do you make of that situation?

13.  How would you describe how the soldiers’ attitudes change right before and during the battle (especially Mel Gibson and the blonde character)?

14.  What does Mel Gibson’s “runner” job consist of?

15.  Why is his job very necessary?

16.  What is Mel Gibson (the runner) trying to convince the General of?

17.  When the General finally tells Mel Gibson (the runner) that he is starting to “reconsider” (which means he is not going to send them in to battle right away), what happens?

18.  What is your reaction to the end of the movie?

19.  Why did the creators of the film Gallipoli choose this ending?

Reflection directions- After class discussion, respond prompt #2 and then upload your 11/24 and 11/23 reflections to google classroom.  This is a summative assessment!

  • PROMPT #2- Using examples from the film Gallipoli and your own knowledge, how did WWI affect people from countries like Australia, Turkey, United States, etc.?

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