Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of the Harding Presidency.

American History 10- 20.2-20.3 notes and reflection
  1. Why should you be careful about who you associate with?

  1. How can you have friends, be professional/successful, not let friendships get in the way, but also not lose track of what’s important? (How do you balance family, friends, and the rest of life without thinking you are better than them or letting them damage your life or career?)

  1. What is a situation where someone’s personal life ruined their professional life?

  1. What is a situation where somebody forgot “who they were” or “where they are from” or something like that when they didn’t necessarily need to?

  1. Look at the picture of Warren Harding on page 625.  How would you describe him?

  1. Read “a personal voice” on page 625.  What did Harding want to accomplish?

  1. ______________ was president from 1912-1920.  He was a ______________
  2. ______________ was elected in 1920 and died in office in 1923.  He was a ______________.
  3. His Vice-President, ______________ also a Republican, was president from 1923 until 1928 (He was elected in 1924.)
  4. Harding’s cabinet was known as the ______________ because many of them were his ______________ buddies from his home state of Ohio
  5. Harding is not remembered positively because of the people he picked for his ______________.
  1. His Secretary of the ______________, Albert ______________ leased government lands to private companies and pocketed the profits.  He paid off many politicians before he was caught.  This was known as the “______________ scandal”
  2. 60 Second Presidents- Harding
  3. What was the problem with the Harding Presidency?

  1. What happened to Harding during his presidency?

  1. Read the “personal voice” on page 633.  What does this illustrate?

Critical Thinking- What were the causes of the Harding Presidency?

Critical Thinking- What were the effects of the Harding Presidency?

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