Sunday, December 10, 2023

21.1 revised

 Student Learning Objective- Students will decide if Prohibition of alcohol (18th amendment) was success or failure.

Directions- Read through the notes Mr. Cook took on Chapter 21, Section 1.  Fill in the blanks.  Check the book using the link for clarification or email if needed.  At the end, students will be required to write and submit a written response following the specific directions at the end of this document.

American History 10- 21.1 Notes
I. Changing Ways of Life
A. Rural and Urban Distances
1. The New urban scene
a. Many immigrants from all over the world in cities
2. The _________________ Experiment
a. The 18th Amendment/Prohibition (1920-1933) made the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages illegal in the US.
b. Prohibition advocates believed these would be the benefits
i. Health- many health concerns are drug and alcohol related
ii. Crime- many crimes and domestic abuse are drug and alcohol related
iii. Workplace safety- Many accidents on the job were drug and alcohol related
c. other causes of Prohibition
i. Anti-German (foreigner) sentiment after WWI (many brewers were Germans)
ii. Some religious groups pushed for prohibition
3. Speakeasies and Bootleggers
a. A hidden nightclub or saloon was called a _________________ (boldfaced)
b. Someone who smuggled illegal booze was called a _________________ (boldfaced)
4. Organized Crime
a. Unfortunately, crime went WAY up during prohibition as people were going to drink and mobsters could supply it- rival mobs were very violent
b. Al Capone is the most infamous mobster of the era
c. Capone was never caught for the booze and the murders but he was busted on tax evasion
d. Drinking reportedly INCREASED during prohibition
c. The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment and alcohol was legal again
i. many business people benefited- restaurants, bars, stores, etc.
B. Science and _________________ Clash
1. American Fundamentalism
a. Some Christians rejected Darwin's theory of evolution
2. The Scopes Trial
a. John Scopes, a TN teacher was arrested for teaching evolution in Biology class
b. Scopes appealed and was still found guilty fined $100
c. Today, teaching religion is more controversial in school than teaching science (opposite of 1920's)

Directions for Reflection- In at least 3 sentences, explain whether Prohibition of alcohol was a success or a failure in the US (1920-1933).  Use specific evidence from the notes.  Do not plagiarize.  Plagiarism results in a score of zero.  Use your own words!  Email Mr. Cook for help if needed!

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