Monday, December 11, 2023

Double Standard (21.2)

American History 10- “Double Standard”

Student learning objective #1- Students will be able to explain the impact of the first wave of feminism in the US.

____ wave of Feminism- Late 1800's and early 1900's
____ wave of Feminism- 1960's and 1970's
____ wave of Feminism- 1990's- present
Note- this topic will be revisited in the 1960's and 1970's.

Student learning objective #2Students will also be able to explain the existence of double standards in society and the double standards which are less common today.

  1. Who were the “Flappers”? (page 647)

  1. What is a “double standard”? (What does it mean?  How it is used in general or google it if you do not know)

  1. What is a double standard from the 1920’s? (page 647)

  1. What are some double standards today?

  1. What are still considered “men’s jobs”?  Why?

  1. What are still considered “women’s jobs”?  Why?

  1. Who should raise the children in a family?  Why?

  1. How should inheritances work?  Why?

  1. What unwritten rules should be followed for dating?

  1. How should marriage work?  Why?

  1. Page 648- Margaret _____________ opened the first birth control clinic in the US in 1916, founded the American Birth Control League in 1921 and founded Planned Parenthood.
  2. What is your opinion on birth control?

  1. What is your opinion on abortion?

Both learning objectives from the beginning achieve the following- Students will be able to explain the impact of feminism in the US. 

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