Tuesday, October 31, 2023

17.4-17.5 Notes

How would you evaluate the Taft presidency?

William ______________
  • 6 foot 335 lbs
  • pictures 535, 536- How would you describe Taft's appearance? What does it help us remember?
  • Born 1857, son of a distinguished ______________ 
  • ______________ University graduate
  • By the time he was 34, he was a federal circuit ______________ 
  • 1900- chief civil administrator in ______________ 
  • T.R.'s secretary of ______________ 
  • T.R. chose him as successor and the American people voted for him
  • Remembered for:
    • Payne-Aldrich ______________ 
    • Baseball's Presidential first ______________ ceremony
    • The stories of him playing golf at Myopia Hunt Club in South Hamilton, ______________ 
    • After being President for one term, he returned to the courtroom and became a Supreme Court ______________ !
  • _________________= previous nominee of party wishing to run again gets automatic nomination
  • Roosevelt in Africa but then returns and challenges Taft
  • Election of 1912- Map Pg 537
    • _________________ (R)
    • _________________ (D)
    • _________________ (Progressive/Bull-Moose)
    • Debs (Socialist)
  • Why did Wilson prevail other than being a good candidate?

Essential Question #6- How have the Political Parties established and transformed their platforms to adapt to changing values in society to appeal to the masses and how have citizens affected the growth and change of political parties and government?

Essential Question #4- Where does the drive for Expansion/Intervention come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

  • Progressive President- Woodrow ______________ (1856-1924)
  • Pictures page 605- How would you describe Wilson's appearance? What does it help us remember?
  • Son of a Presbyterian minister and abolitionist in VA
  • Grandparents were Scottish and Irish immigrants to the US
  • Grew up to have values like his father and uncles, etc.
  • Could not read or write until he was 12- He was severely ______________ 
  • His biggest weakness became his biggest strength.  He is regarded as one of our most intellectual presidents despite his learning disability!
  • Davidson College, PHD at Johns Hopkins, passed the Georgia Bar exam, faculty at Bryn Mawr College and Wesleyan U, President of Princeton University 1902
  • Governor of ______________ 
  • 1912- Elected 28th President of the US
  • 1913- Inaugurated
  • The debate with him is- was he an idealist or a ______________ ?
  • The thing that people debate the most is his post-WWI concept/plan of the League of Nations

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