Thursday, October 12, 2023

Chapter 16 Outline and Reflection

Essential Question #7- How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people?

Film clip from "Days that Shook the World"- 1903
5. What did the Wright Brothers invent?
6. What detail(s) from the film surprised you?
7. Why was the invention of the airplane impactful?

American History 10- Chapter 16 Outline 
I.                    Science and Urban Life 
  1. Technology and City Life
1.      ____________
2.      Electric Transit
3.      Engineering and Urban Planning
4.      City Planning
  1. New Technologies
1.      A revolution in printing
2.      ___________________
3.      _____________ Explosion


Should there be boys only schools?
Should there be girls only schools?
What about college?
Should there be schools that are only for a certain race?

Essential Question #1- How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

II.                 Expanding Public Education
  1. Expanding public Education
Many students went for 4 years, dropped out, few went to high school
  1. Schools for children
    1. 1865-1895- school year was 12-16 weeks, ages 8-14
    2. Reading ______________ arithmetic
    3. Memorization and _________________ punishment
    4. Read personal voice on page 489
    5. 1880- 62% whites in elementary school and 34% of Blacks
  2. The growth of High Schools
    1. Pg 489- Carnegie quote
    2. Expanding Education/Increasing Literacy graph pg 489
    3. Edison quote pg 490
  3. Racial Discrimination
    1. 1890- less than 1% black students went to high school.
    2. 1910- 3% (mostly private schools
  4. Education for Immigrants
    1. _________________ were encouraged to go to High school

  1. Expanding Higher Education
1.      Changes in Universities
2.      Higher Education for African Americans
a.       Freedmen’s Bureau
b.      Howard U
c.       U of Atlanta
d.      Fisk U
These are now called _________________ Black Universities
e.       1900- 3880 out of 9000000 African Americans in college
f.        Booker T. _________________
                                                                                                                                       i.      Born slave
                                                                                                                                     ii.      Beliefs
1.      learn and work hard
2.      Do not push too hard to end segregation and racism
3.      Work with whites
4.      achieve and prove your worth
5.      Go to trade schools and learn a trade and skills
6.      College is not always necessary
                                                                                                                                    iii.      Founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute
g.       W.E.B. Du Bois
                                                                                                                                       i.      1st African American to graduate from _________________ Law School (Graduate school)
                                                                                                                                     ii.      Beliefs
1.      Criticized Washington for his “cowardly” approach
2.      End racism and segregation ASAP
3.      Encouraged African Americans to go to college
4.      Early leader of the NAACP
5.      Started the Niagara movement- send Blacks to college
6.      Pronounced his name unlike a European would

Essential Question #1- How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?
Did the Supreme Court get this ruling right or wrong?  Explain!

III.               Segregation and Discrimination
  1. African Americans fight legal discrimination
1.      Voting restrictions
a.       _________________ Tests
b.      _________________ Tax
c.       _________________ Clause
2.      Jim Crow Laws
a.       _________________
b.      Origin- P. Cook
3.      Plessy vs. Ferguson (pg 496)
a.       Homer Plessy found guilty for riding in “Whites Only” RR car
b.      Appealed to the Supreme Court
c.       14th Amendment (496)
d.      The ruling (496)- Separate but _________________
e.       Established legal segregation
f.        What did Harlan say? (496) _________________
g.       Overturned in 1954- Brown vs. Board of Education in TopekaKS
  1. Turn of the century race relations
1.      Violence
2.      Discrimination in the North
  1. Discrimination in the west
1.      Mexican workers (slavery)
2.      Excluding the Chinese

Reflection- How is Plessy vs. Ferguson unfair?
Reflection- How are literacy tests to vote unfair to African Americans?
Reflection- How is paying a poll tax in order to vote unfair to African Americans?
Reflection- How is the grandfather clause unfair to African Americans?

Essential Question #2- How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture?

Essential Question #10- How has the idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?

IV.              The Dawn of Mass Culture (Section 4 can be studied by students via vocab- not much in the curriculum here)
A. American Leisure
1. Amusement Parks
2. Bicycling and tennis
3. Spectator Sports
4. Baseball
B. The Spread of Mass Culture
1. Mass Circulation newspapers
a. Pulitzer- New York World
b. Hearst- New York Journal
2. Promoting Fine Arts
3. Popular Fiction
C. New Ways to Sell Goods
1. Urban Shopping
2. The Department Store
3. The Chain Store
4. Advertising
5. Catalogs and Rural Free Delivery

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to answer a course essential question using at least one piece of evidence from section 4 of Chapter 16, which contribute to our Immigration, Urbanization and Modernization of the late 1800's and early 1900's Unit.

1 comment:

  1. It's horrible that everything used to be segregated for African Americans. I think it was very wrong and I can't believe they did that. It makes me sick just thinking about it. I don't know why everyone can't just treat everyone the same regardless of race.
