Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Turn of the 20th Century/Pg 480 Intro (Chapter 16)

  1. What is happening?
  2. Describe the atmosphere.
  3. What is reminiscent of modern times?
  4. Why are a camel and Arabian architecture commemorating this occasion?
  5. blue question on 481- "How will the latest technology change your life?"
  6. 1st "examine the issues" question- "How can technology contribute to new forms of recreation?"
  7. 2nd "examine the issues" question- "What types of inventions transform communications?"
  8. 3rd "examine the issues" question- "Why would mass media emerge at this time?"
  9. Higher Order Thinking- Why do we have off for "Columbus Day"?
  10. Higher Order Thinking- Why is "Indigenous People's Day" on the calendar?
  11. Higher Order Thinking- Which should we observe- Columbus Day, Indigenous People's Day or both?

  12. Student Learning Objectives:
    -Students will connect the holiday of Columbus Day (Indigenous Peoples Day) to the turn of the 20th Century and American History as a whole
    -Students will develop an understanding of the changes taking place at the turn of the 20th Century

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