Wednesday, October 4, 2023

15.2 and New Colossus

10/5- Student learning objective #1- Students will interpret a famous source and connect it's meaning to yesterday's learning objective. 
Part 1 Directions- Read the poem and explain whether you think it is pro-immigration or anti-immigration.
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" 
Explain why you think this is pro-immigration or anti-immigration below.

10/5- Part 2 Directions- Define the words below accurately.  Use or another strong source if need be!
Social Work-
10/6- Part 3 Directions- Open the book link in a separate tab or open the actual textbook to the below section.  Follow the lecture, take the notes and ask questions if need be!
American History 10- 15.2 Notes (Pages 470-472)
Directions #1: Read pages 470-472 and fill in the blanks.  These will be important to study for the Test later on.
As urban populations skyrocketed, city governments all across the United States had to address problems related to ____________________, ____________________, ____________________, ____________________, ____________________ and ____________________ among others.  Some people began buying or renting property on the outskirts of town, but they would face transportation problems.  Others decided to live in cramped conditions within the cities.  Overcrowded and unsanitary multi-family urban dwellings called ____________________ became very common in cities like New York City.
Transportation problems were answered by innovations in ____________________.  San Francisco introduced ____________________ in 1873 and Boston introduced electric____________________ in 1897.
Distributing safe drinking water to citizens was also a problem.  New York City and Cleveland built ____________________ to address this problem.  Some cities put ____________________(hint- an element) in the water to avoid more citizens getting diseases like ____________________ and ____________________.
Sanitation also needed to improve. ____________________, ____________________ and ____________________ were all problems in cities.  Even when some cities tried to ventilate tentements better, people started throwing their trash in the ventilation ducts and keeping their windows closed to avoid the stench.  Something had to be done.
To address crime, ____________________ organized the first, full-time police force in 1844.  It took many years for all cities to follow and/or get the kinks of the police system worked out.
Fires were a big problem in cities because many houses were made of ____________________.  The use of ____________________ and ____________________ heaters were a common fire hazard.  The city of ____________________ hired the first, full-time fire department in 1853.  In 1871, ____________________ had a blaze that lasted over 24 hours, about ____________________people died, over ____________________ people were left homeless and ____________________ buildings were destroyed.  The city of ____________________ had an earthquake in 1906 that lasted ____________________ (duration) and the fires that resulted lasted ____________________.  An estimated ____________________people died.  Over ____________________ people were left homeless from the earthquake and ____________________ buildings were destroyed.
Social welfare reformers decided people needed extra help to survive.  The ________________________________________ preached salvation through helping the poor.  These people set up settlement houses to aid the poor. ____________________(person) helped found the Hull House in Chicago.  This is a very famous example of a settlement house.  The Jubilee House is an example of a modern-day settlement house in BostonMA (Dorchester).
Student learning objective #2- Students will summarize continuity and change in American cities.

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