Tuesday, October 3, 2023

15.1 Immigration

Directions- While Mr. Cook takes attendance, ponder the discussion questions to produce a fruitful discussion.  Then, take notes during lecture and ask questions if needed to.  Type in google docs or take notes in a notebook.  As I always say, do what is best for you!  Afterward, the class will attempt to accomplish the learning objective.

Student Learning Objective- Students will identify and summarize the different attitudes toward immigration historically and today.

Discussion Question- Why did people come to the US early in history? (learned in US History 9)
Discussion Question- Do you think they came for the same reasons or different ones in the 1800's?  Why?

American History 10- 15.1 Outline notes
I.                    The New Immigrants
  1. Through the Golden Door
1.      Immigrants were coming to the US because
a.       _____________
b.      _____________shortages
c.       Religious or political _____________
d.      To be “_____________of passage”
2.      Europeans (East Coast- Ellis Island)
a.       _____________from Russia (pogroms)
b.      Rising population (today US population is 300,000,00 and Western Europe has roughly 370,000,000 people
c.       Scarcity of farming
d.      Jobs considered plentiful in the US
e.       Political revolts breaking out in Europe
3.      Chinese and Japanese (West Coast-Angel Island)
4.      West Indies and Mexico
a.       Jobs Scarce in West Indies, _____________boom in USA
b.      1902- National Reclamation Act- encouraged the irrigation of arid (dry) land- created farmland, which drew _____________to the US
c.       700,000 people (7% of Mexico’s population) came to the US between 1910-1930
  1. Life in the New World
1.      A difficult Journey
a.       Steamship travel
b.      _____________Ocean took 1 week
c.       _____________Ocean travel took 3 weeks
2.      _____________Island
3.      _____________Island
4.      Cooperation for survival
  1. Immigration Restrictions
1.      The rise of _____________
a.       Prescott Hall founded the Immigration Restriction League
b.      Literacy tests for immigrants
2.      Anti-Asian Sentiment
a.       _____________Exclusion Act
                                                                                                                                       i.      For 61 years only Chinese students, teachers, merchants, tourists and _____________ officials could come here
3.      The Gentlemen’s Agreement

a.       The government of _____________ agreed to limit immigration into the US.  In return the schools in San Francisco were desegregated

4 attitudes toward immigration

Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate the different attitudes toward immigration and they will proclaim which one they are in favor of!  Explain why!

1 comment:

  1. I think that it's wrong to only bring in immigrants from certain countries. I don't like how Trump wants to stop Mexicans from immigrating into the US. Building a wall will not stop immigration. Most illegal Mexican immigrants come by plane and stay past their visa.
