Sunday, October 22, 2023

Page 510/CH 17/Progressivism Intro

Student Learning Objective- Students will decide whether or not they agree with the Progressive movement historically and today.  Students will also weigh why or why not they are "Progressive".

1. What is the title of the chapter?
2. What does that mean?
3. What event is occurring?
4. Who are the participants and why are they dressed the way they are?
5. What is "progressive" from the timeline?
6. Blue question on 511- "What kinds of actions can bring about social change?"
7. 1st examine the issues question on 511- "What types of actions might pressure big business to change?"
8. 2nd examine the issues question on 511- "How can individuals bring about change in their government?"
9. 3rd examine the issues question on 511- "How might reformers recruit others?"
10. Higher Order Thinking Question- What meets the qualifications of "Progressive" today?  Why?
11.  Higher Order Thinking Question- What does not meet the qualifications of Progressive today but still goes on?  Why?
12. Higher Order Thinking Question- Would you identify as Progressive?  Why or why not?
13. Higher Order Thinking Question- What needs to be done today to make our country/world more "Progressive"?

Extension (Writing assignment)- Answer Essential Question #1 or #8 in the context of women's (voting) rights

Essential Question #1- How have women attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

Essential Question #8- In the context of women around 1920- How is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?

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