Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Chapter 22/Page 669 Intro

  1. What is the chapter called?
  2. What does that mean?
  3. What is happening in the photo?
  4. How do you think the people in the photo feel or what are they thinking?
  5. What surprises you in the timeline?
  6. What is notable to the Great Depression from the timeline?
  7. blue question- What would you do to feed your family?
  8. 1st examine the issues question- What groups of people will be most hurt by the economic crash?
  9. 2nd examine the issues question- What can you do to find a paying job?
  10. 3rd examine the issues question- What can unemployed and impoverished people do to help each other?
  11. Student Learning Objective- Through answering the questions in discussion format, students will build baseline knowledge for the Great Depression by recording their answers.

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