Wednesday, January 3, 2024

22.1 Notes

Film clip- 1929- Stock Market Crash
1- What detail surprised you?

2- What is important?

Student learning objective- Students will be able to identify the causes and effects of the Great Depression.

I. The Nation's _______________ Economy
A. Economic Troubles on the Horizon
1. Industries in Trouble
a. Railroads, steel and textiles barely making a profit
b. mining and lumbering not in high demand anymore
2. _______________ need a lift
3. _______________ have less money to spend
4. Living on _______________
5. uneven distribution of _______________
B. _______________ takes the nation
1. The Election of _______________
a. Hoover- _______________ was a former mining engineer and leader of the WWI Food Administration
b. Alfred Smith- _______________ was a lifelong politician and Governor of NY
c. _______________ wins!
2. Dreams of Riches in the Stock Market
a. Averaging the top 30 stocks on the market- _______________ Jones Industrial Average
C. The Stock Market _______________
1. Black _______________- 10/29/1929- Stock Market Crash
D. Financial Collapse
- Great _______________- 1929-1940ish
1. Bank and business _______________- one of the effects of great depression
Also- _______________= 13 million people out of work
-Average income dropped
-Consumer spending dropped
-Average people/family did not save any or much money
How did Jesse Livermore and Joseph Kennedy make out from the stock market crash and Great Depression?
2. World-wide Shock Waves
3. Causes of the Great Depression
a. Hawley Smoot _______________ and other tariffs and war-debt policies
b. _______________ crisis
c. availability of easy _______________
d. unequal distribution of _______________
e. Stock Market Crash
Play the game- Cause or effect!

Play "Pit"- It shows the unpredictability and risk of the stock market (The game is the commodities market but it's similar risk and unpredictability.

Who did the game go well for?
Who did the game go poorly for?

What happens if everybody was selling but nobody was buying?

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