Monday, January 8, 2024

22.3 Notes

Student Learning Objective- Students will debate and evaluate Hoover's philosophy of lack of government handouts.

III. Hoover Struggles with the Depression
            A. ____________tries to reassure Nation
                        1. Hoovers philosophy
                                    a. “____________ ____________” will succeed.
                                    B. handouts ruin self-respect and “____________”
                                    c. Handouts cause ____________
                                    d. ____________did not exist, Hoover did not believe in it.
                        2. Hoover takes cautious Steps
                                    a. asked employers not to lay off workers or to cut ____________
                                    b. asked labor _______leaders not to push strikes or higher wages
                        3. ____________Dam
                                    a. Hydro-electric power
                                    b. Colorado River Basin à AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM, UT, WY
                                    c. called ____________Dam now
                                    d. worlds tallest and second largest
                                    e. $700 million cost à very successful accomplishment (secretary
                                        Commerce/ president)
5.      Dems win in 1930 ____________Elections
a.       Anti-Hoover sentiment causes ____________to lose popularity
b.      “____________”= Shanty towns
c.       “____________” = homeless  with newspapers
d.      “____________” = pockets inside out
B. Hoover Takes Action
            1. Hoover Backs Cooperatives
                        a. ____________Farm Board (raise farm prices)
                        b. National ____________Corporation (banks are backed)
            2. Direct Intervention
                        a. Federal Home ____________Bank Act (page 687)
                        b. Reconstruction ____________Corporation
C. Gassing the Bonus Army
                        a. (1932) 10,000-20,000 ____________Veterans and families arrived in D.C to demand Bonus (Bonus Army)
            1. ____________Bill Denied
                        a. In 1945 Vets would get money and life insurance
                        b. Wright Patman believed $500 should be ____________paid
                        c. * Hoover (page 688)
                        d. Hoover opposed bill but respected right to ____________
                        e. ____________voted down Bonus on June 17, 1932
                        f. 2,000 of Bonus Army ____________
            2. Hoover disbands Bonus Army

                        a. 1,000 soldiers led by ____________tear gassed 1,000 people

Student Learning Objective- Students will debate and evaluate Hoover's philosophy of lack of government handouts.

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