Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Right Stuff Film assignment!

Student Learning Objective-  While watching the film 3/26 and 3/27 and also after class discussion, students will identify facts by listing them and by writing down important quotes and what they mean (also identifying facts)

After class discussion on 3/28, turn in your facts and quotes notes on google classroom.  Make sure facts and quote explanations are in your own words.  Plagiarism detection software is used and plagiarism results in a score of zero.

The assignment is very simple.  While you watch, record facts and quotes from the film.  Facts should be things that happened (usually historical or political).  Quotes that we record are spoken words that are so insightful that indicate facts, but are so interesting or powerful that we do not paraphrase.  Record the quote and then next to it, explain what it means or why it is important.  Here is how I would do it.

FACTS                                                                              QUOTES

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