Wednesday, March 6, 2024



Student Learning Objective - Students will examine the post war boom after WWII as if they were alive back in the 50s

Students will answer the following questions as if they were a returning soldier from WWII. They will use the textbook and facts learned from the discussion. Make sure to explain why you would choose a certain option.

Returning Soldier

Set 1

  1. Would you use the GI Bill post war or would you seek other opportunities? (841)

  2. Post war you have had trouble finding stable housing, you are offered to buy a house in the suburbs(Levittown), do you choose to live there? Why/why not? (841)

  3. Coming back from war, your wife wants to keep working/ making important family decisions, what do you do? (841)

  4. The amount of stable jobs has been cut off since the war and you have struggled with finding work, what do you do? (841)

Set 2
  1. What are 4 indicators that the economy is doing well in the 1950's? (graphs 842)

  2. As the economy starts to recover, you find that you have some expendable income, what do you choose to spend it on? (842)

  3. Tensions continue to rise about communism in the United States, what do you do to prove you support the United States?

  4. Truman continues to push for civil rights with the integration of the military and working with African American leaders, do you support this? Why/why not?(843)

Set 3
  1. What is Truman's presidency called? Why did he choose that name? How do you evaluate the name? (845)

  2. You suspect your neighbor may be a communist, what do you do about him and his kids?

  3. There have been many accusations that communists have infiltrated the government, do you think Truman has done enough to negate the issue? (845)

  4. Who was Eisenhower's Vice President? (845)

  5. Eisenhower, now in the presidency, seems to not want to take a side on controversial issues, do you think he is doing enough with them and civil rights issues? (846)

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