Friday, September 22, 2023

14.2 Notes

Chapter 14 Section 2

Student Learning Objective- Students will decide how important time zones are in the US and in the world.
14.2 notes (pages 442-444)
1)       How did people tell time before established time zones?

2)       Why was our current time zone system established?

3)       How was our current time zone system established?

4)       How many time zones are there in the world?
5)       What are the time zones in the continental United States?

6)       Who was George Pullman?

7)       What did Pullman factories produce?  Explain what the product is!

8)       Who lived in the town of Pullman, IL?

9)       What facilities and services were offered or given to PullmanIL residents?

10)       What restrictions were the people of PullmanIL held to? (What weren’t they allowed to do that other adults anywhere could?)

11)   Explain the famous Credit Mobilier Railroad scandal

Revisit- Student Learning Objective- Students will decide how important time zones are in the US and in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of a hotel room on a train and it was definitely a good idea back then. It was really wrong what the U.P.R.C did. It makes me sick knowing people like that exist. I think it was a really bad idea for Pullman to create his town.
