Thursday, September 21, 2023

14.1 Notes

American History 10- Chapter 14.1 notes
Chapter 14 pages 436-441
Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate the importance of late 1800's inventions on the Industrial Revolution and on today's world!
1)       Rank the inventions or innovations of the following inventors from most important to least important
  1. Edwin Drake (first used the steam engine to drill for oil)
  2. Henry Bessemer (Bessemer Process to create steel from Iron)
  3. Thomas Edison (Incandescent Light bulb)
  4. Christopher Sholes (Typewriter)
  5. Alexander Graham Bell (Telephone)
2)       Explain why you ranked them as you did

3)       Look at the map on page 437.  How did natural resources fuel industrialization?

4)       Give three reasons why the United States went through an intense industrial boom between 1860 and 1920 (436).

5)       How exactly did the Bessemer Process work?

6)       What are some “new uses for steel” from page 438?

7)       What important discoveries did Thomas Alva Edison make?

8)       Critical Thinking: How do the innovations and inventions or Thomas Edison, Christopher Sholes and Alexander Graham Bell affect what our society is like today?

9)   Look at the three pictures on pages 440-441.  A) Describe the scene of each picture.  B) How did Industrialization severely change our country? (by observing the pictures)

1 comment:

  1. I think that most of the inventions back then became very good and are in our everyday lives today. I think that the light bulb was the most important invention in the U.S. yet. I think it's really bad that there was and is so much pollution but oil has become important in our everyday lives. It's crazy to think that cellphone wouldn't have existed without Alexander Graham Bell.
