Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Student learning objective- Students will make a connection between something they learned today in class and their lives in the present day!

III. _________________ Concerns in 1980's
A. Health, Education and _________________ in Crisis
1, Health Issues
a. ____________ epidemic
2. Abortion
3. Drug Abuse
4. Education
5. The Urban Crisis
B. The Equal Rights Struggle
1. Political Losses and Gains
2. Inequality
a. pay equity
C. The Fight for Rights Continues
1. African Americans
a. The Rev. Jesse Jackson ran for Democrat Presidential Nomination in 1984 and 1988
2. Gains for Latinos
a. Largest Minority Group in US
b.  Bilingual Education Act of 1968
3. Native Americans Speak Out
4. An Expanding Asian American Population
5. The _________________ Rights Movement Advances
a.  By the year 1993, only seven states and 110 communities had outlawed gay discrimination
b. MA was the first state to legalize gay marriage
c. LGBT+ rights is a big 21st Century movement compared to 20th Century where it did not have the popularity or traction

Film clips-
1992- The LA riots

What happened to Rodney King?

What caused the riots?

Why is this important?

How is this related to today?

What happened?

Why is this important?

How is this related to today?

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