Thursday, May 2, 2024

Studying for the Civil Rights, Feminism and Counterculture Test!

The Civil rights, Feminism and Counterculture Test is Tuesday, 5/7 during class time.  The class will do makeup work and study during class time Friday, 5/3, and will have time to do that after the Civil Rights Interview informal presentations 5/6, and then take the test while the info is fresh in your mind!  It is 100% notes and discussion based.  The notes and discussions are majorly based on the Americans Chapters 29 and 31.

There are 19 multiple choice questions worth 76 points.  For multiple choice, choose the best answer!  If you need to, eliminate wrong answers to find the best answer!  There are 3 short answer/open response worth 14 points total.  For open response, write a logical response to the question using a specific historical example discussed in our class to prove you know.  Make sure you respond to the task verb used in the question, like identify or explain.  There is one short essay worth 10 points- Make a claim about the Civil Rights movement, and use three examples and analysis and reasoning to prove your claim.  The rubrics used for short answer questions and test short essays are attached to Google classroom where you found this study post and also attached to the test question it corresponds with.  See me for help prior to the test if you need help with any of this.

Cheating in any form is prohibited.  This test judges what you know on test day.  Retakes will be allowed after grading is complete, so no need to cheat or plagiarize anyway!  Also, the availability of retakes should decrease the test anxiety!  Once the test is graded, Mr. Cook will "release the grade and comments", and you will be sent an email (from google forms which gives feedback on manually entered point deductions).  Mr. Cook will also tell the students that the email has been sent in class once they are all done.  To prepare for a potential retake, at that point students should study the released test and see Mr. Cook at an appropriate time for studying help also as Multiple Choice questions do not offer feedback.  Contact Mr. Cook at a later time when ready for a retake.  Multiple choice and open response questions are based on notes but also on the course essential questions below! When studying on your own, try to come up with everything they know for each essential question pertaining to our recently studied Civil Rights, Feminism and Counterculture unit. 

US History II 10 Essential Questions (From syllabus)
  1. How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

  1. How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture?

  1. How does the drive to acquire Wealth influence America?

  1. Where does the drive for Westward Expansion / Imperialism / Interventionism come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

  1. How has the rise and fall of the Industry / Labor and the Labor Movement shaped the American work environment and Economy?

  1. How have the Political Parties established and transformed their platforms to adapt to changing values in society to appeal to the masses?

  1. How have advances in Technologies/Transportation impacted the Economy, Landscape and Migration of the American people?
  2. How is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?
  3. How have the cost and spoils of war affected the development of America?
  4. How has the idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?
  5. How does [the content] change or reinforce how you see your values and decisions in your role in society (Civic identity)

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