Wednesday, February 7, 2024

25.2 G block

4/12/1945- April 12, 1945
What happened?

Why is it important?

What does this cause?

Student learning objective- Students will be able to explain the key(s) to the success of one of the successful Allied military campaigns of Europe or Africa in WWII

American History 10- Chapter 25.2 Notes

1)      What “gameplan” did FDR and Churchill choose to stick to in WWII? (defeat who first, concentrate on what? Etc.) (776)

2)      What are the alternatives to attacking this way? (opinion)

3)      How would you have planned the attacks?  Why? (opinion)

4)      How effective was the “gameplan”?  Explain your opinion. (776-783 and opinion)

5)      The USSR lost over 20,000,000 (20 Million) people in WWII.  Half of them were civilians.  The U.S. lost just over 1,000,000.  The U.S. never fought on Russian soil in WWII despite Russia’s pleas.  It was not part of the gameplan for WWII.  During the “Lend-Lease” program however, the U.S. gave the USSR nearly $10 Billion in aid during WWII.  This is far more than aid any other country received.  Did Russia (USSR) still have a reason to be upset with the U.S. after WWII?  Explain your answer. (Opinion question)

6)      What were the key Russian victories of WWII?
7)      How many men did the Russians lose in each battle?
8)      How did USSR win Leningrad?

9)      How did USSR win Moscow?

10)  How did USSR win Stalingrad?

11)  Explain how it is considered that Russia won the battle of Stalingrad (for example) even though they lost 4 times as many men? (777)

12)  What were the other key Allied victories?  Explain what each was and write down the date for the battle.

13)  What, where and when was the largest sea to land and air to land invasion of history?

14)  What was the allied element of surprise during the “D-Day” Normandy invasion? (780)
15)  Why was the element of surprise so important on D-Day, June 6, 1944?  Explain! (780)

16)  Describe the Atlantic Wall.
17)  Describe Higgins boats.
18)  Why did the Americans feel it was necessary to land in NAZI controlled France?

19)  Who was the Allied Commander (leading General) in Africa and Europe?
20)  What did he do after WWII?
21)  Who was the U.S. Commander of forces in the Pacific Ocean during WWII?
22)  What was Hitler’s last resort to save Germany?  Explain what he tried to do and the outcome? (782)

23)  What happened to Hitler in 1945?   (783)

26)  5/8/1945- What is President Truman announcing?

What is this day called in history?

Student learning objectiveStudents will be able to explain the key(s) to the success of one of the successful Allied military campaigns of Europe or Africa in WWII.
Directions- In your own words, explain the success of one of the Allied Powers' military campaigns that we learned about today.

When you finish the reflection- Upload it to google classroom.  Remember, put everything in your own words.  Google plagiarism detection software and AI detection software is used.  Plagiarism or use of AI receives a score of zero.

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