Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Native American Assimilation Essay Rubric

Social Studies Department Rubric for Writing to Texts DDMs
(aligned with Common Core standards and PARCC “condensed scoring rubric for prose constructed response items”)

Understanding of Key Ideas and Details
The writing demonstrates thorough, sophisticated understanding of the ideas relevant to prompt that are stated explicitly and implicitly in the text.
The writing demonstrates understanding of the ideas in the text that are relevant to the prompt.
The writing demonstrates basic or general understanding of the ideas in the text that are relevant to the prompt even though the writing may include some inaccuracy, misunderstanding, and/or omissions.
The writing demonstrates limited understanding
The writing demonstrates
Development of claim with supporting evidence
The writing provides convincing and thorough development of a response to the prompt by using clear and persuasive reasoning supported by a command of relevant and accurate textual evidence.
The writing provides reasonably effective development of a response to the prompt by using mostly clear reasoning consistently supported by relevant textual evidence.
The writing addresses the prompt but may not respond in a completely appropriate manner. The writing provides some development of response to the prompt with some reasoning and appropriate textual evidence.
The writing addresses the prompt but provides minimal development, including limited reasoning and little to no textual evidence.

Or, the writing shows little to know understanding of the prompt despite including reasoning and textual evidence.
The writing is undeveloped--no claim, no support--and/or the writing is inappropriate to the task.

Organization of written response
Organization of the writing (including awareness of historical sequence) is clear, cohesive, and coherent, making the progression of the response easy to follow.
Organization of the writing (including awareness of historical sequence) is clear, cohesive, and coherent enough to make the progression of the response reasonably easy to follow.
Organization of the writing (including awareness of historical sequence) demonstrates some clarity, cohesion, and coherence so that the progression of the response is sometimes difficult to follow.
Organization of the writing (including awareness of historical sequence) demonstrates limited clarity, cohesion, and coherence that impedes
Organization of the writing does not demonstrate clarity, cohesion, and coherence.
Use of formal style appropriate for history writing
Writing consistently maintains formal tone and style, including use of third person, avoidance of contractions, and use of the last names of historical figures.
Writing mostly maintains formal tone and style with few lapses.
Writing inconsistently maintains formal tone and style.
Writing seldom maintains formal tone and style.
Writing does not at all maintain formal tone and style.
Use of language and conventions
Writing demonstrates full command of standard English conventions. In timed in-class writing there may be a few minor errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage but they do not interfere with meaning.
Writing demonstrates understanding of standard English conventions. In timed in-class writing there may be some errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage but the meaning is clear.
Writing demonstrates some command of standard English conventions. Errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage occasionally impede understanding but the meaning is generally clear.
Writing demonstrates limited command of standard English conventions. Errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage frequently impede understanding. Or, the writing may not exhibit an appropriate level or complexity. Or, there may simply not be enough writing to evaluate the use of conventions.
Writing demonstrates no command of standard English conventions. Errors impede understanding.

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