Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Chapter 12 Intro (page 374-375)

Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate the rebuilding of the country after the Civil War.

Directions:  Always write the questions and your answers down or create a google doc and record answers in your own words during the class discussion.

1. Describe the scene.
2. How would you feel or what would you do if you were in this situation?
3. What do you think these people from the photograph are thinking or want to do?
4. Should destroyed cities and towns be rebuilt?  Base this on historical evidence.

Directions for 5-8: Write your answer down only because the questions are in the book.

5. Blue question under the paragraph on 375- "What goals should the government set to reconstruct the South?"
6. First question under "examine the issues" on page 375- "How can Northern resources help the South?"
7. Second question under "examine the issues"- "In what ways can the South rebuild its economy?"
8. Third question under "examine the issues"- "What can the government do to assist African Americans?"

Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate the rebuilding of the country after the Civil War.
Considering all of which you just learned and the class discussed, was the rebuilding of the South successful after the Civil War?  Why or why not?

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