Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Studying for the Roaring Twenties Test (CH 20-21)

The Roaring Twenties Test is Thursday, January 16 on google classroom/forms.

All Tests are 100% based on class notes and discussions.  The notes are based on the book "The Americans" Chapter 20 and 21 and other sources.  Text links given each day.

For the 14 multiple choice, choose the best answer!  If you need to, eliminate wrong answers to find the best answer!  For the 3 open response questions, write a logical response to the question answering all parts of the question and use a specific historical example discussed in our class to prove you know.  

Cheating in any form is prohibited.  This test judges what you know on test day.  Test corrections will be allowed after grading is complete, so no need to cheat or plagiarize anyway!  Also, test corrections should decrease the test anxiety!  Once the test is graded, Mr. Cook will "release the grade and comments", and you will be sent an email (from google forms which gives feedback on manually entered point deductions).  Mr. Cook will also tell the students that the email has been sent in class once they are all done.  To prepare for a potential test correction, at that point students should study the released test and see Mr. Cook at an appropriate time for studying help also as Multiple Choice questions do not offer feedback.  Test corrections are only accepted on paper.  On test corrections explain why the correct answer is indeed correct.  Do not just list it.  Thanks.

Multiple choice and open response questions are based on notes but also on the course essential questions below!  When studying on your own, try to come up with everything they know for each essential question pertaining to our recently studied unit.  

The Essential Questions are below. 

  1. How has the idea of The American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how has its definition changed over time?

  1. How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

  1. How is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?

  1. How does the drive to acquire Wealth influence America?

  1. How have the Costs of War affected the development of America?

  1. Where does the drive for Expansion come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

  1. How have citizens affected the growth and change of Political Parties and Government?

  1. How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture?

  1. How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people?

    10.  How does Content Knowledge change or reinforce how you see your 

           values and decisions in your role as a citizen?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

2024-2025 Midterm review sheet

Friday, February 7- Last day of Quarter 2!  Deadline for quarter 2 work, makeup, re-submissions, etc.

2024-2025 Midterm schedule:

Monday, February 10

G- 8:00-9:30 AM

F- 10:00- 11:30 AM

E- 12:30-2:00 PM

Tuesday, February 11

D- 8:00-9:30 AM

C- 10:00- 11:30 AM

Wednesday, February 12

B- 8:00-9:30 AM

A- 10:00- 11:30 AM

Midterm Part 1- The common midterm exam (all 10th grade teachers/all levels) is comprised of 53 multiple choice questions worth 76 points total based on the notes and unit tests from chapters 13-19 (Westward Expansion-WWI).  There are true/false and matching questions in the multiple choice, but most of them are classic 4 option multiple choice.  The exam is also comprised of 1 open response question worth 9 points based on a course essential question.  There is one essay question based on Essential questions as well and it is worth 15 points.  Rubrics are provided.  These questions require specific examples and explanations to show knowledge pertaining to the question from 1877 until the 1930's.    Below are the essential question-based open response questions you may see.

Midterm Part 2- Based on Chapters 20-23- Roaring Twenties, Great Depression and New Deal

Essential Question #1- How has the Idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?

-With Immigration 1877-1930's?

    -Ellis Island

        -Emma Lazarus/New Colossus 

    -Angel Island

    -Birds of Passage

-For farmers?

-For middle class?

Mass consumption/materialism of the 1920's/Auto ownership

Essential Question #2- Explain an example from 1877-1930's of one of the below groups attempting to access their rights and/or how they were opposed.


    -19th Amendment

    -Jeannette Rankin

-African Americans

    -Plessy vs. Ferguson

    -Jim Crow Laws (Segregation)

   -Voting Restrictions

        -Literacy Test

        -Poll Tax

        -Grandfather Clause

    -15th Amendment

    -Booker T. Washington/Up From Slavery

    -W.E.B. Du Bois/"Souls of Black Folk"/Niagara Movement

    -Great Migration

-Native Americans

    -Land ownership


    -Outlawing the Ghost Dance, etc.



    -Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire


    -Literacy Tests

    -Gentleman's Agreement

    -Chinese Exclusion Act

    -Immigration Restriction League

Essential Question #3- Give an example 1877-1930's of how is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?

-Andrew Johnson's inauguration?

-Election of 1876's importance?

-Chester Arthur's inauguration

-Importance of Grover Cleveland's elections

-Effect of McKinley's assassination

-Election of 1912

-Election of 1916

-Return to Normalcy

-Coolidge's 1923 inauguration

-Election of 1932

Essential Question #4- Give an example from 1877-1930's of the accumulation of wealth in US History and explain why it is important.


-Boston Police Strike

- Industrialists

    -JP Morgan




-Horizontal Integration

-Vertical Integration

-Expansion of railroads in the 1870's and 1880's

-Most Americans working for wages

-Gap between social classes in Gilded Age

-Haymarket affair and labor controversies

Essential Question #5- How have the negative and positive effects of war affected the development of America?

-Spanish American War (1898)

-Philippine American War (1899)

-Boxer Rebellion (1900)

-WWI (1917-1918 (US Involvement))


    -Zimmerman Telegram

    -Treaty of Versailles

    -14 Points

    -League of Nations

Essential Question #6- Explain one of the below examples from 1877-1930's of US Imperialism. (and be able to locate them on a map)



-Puerto Rico



-Panama Canal

-Mexico (Pancho Villa)

-China (Open Door Policy/Boxer Rebellion)

Pre-1890 US world influence (small, medium, or large world power?)

After 1890's driven by overseas trade!

Yellow Journalism

Anti-Imperialist League

Roosevelt Corollary

Essential Question #7- Give one specific example from 1877-1930's of the importance of a political party or movement in US History?


    -Gold Standard vs. Bimetallism


    -Samuel Gompers

    -Eugene Debs

    -Red Scare

-Pendleton Civil Service Act


-Progressive movements


    -Bull Moose Party



    -Ford Motor Co

    -Margaret Sanger/Planned Parenthood



        -Pure Food and Drug Act

        -Meat Inspection Act


-1920's Republicans

    -Return to Normalcy

-1930's Democrats

Essential Question #8- Explain one of the below examples from 1877-1930's of mass media being influential in America.



Essential Question #9- Give one strong example 1877-1930's of an advancement in transportation technology and explain how it impacted the American people?




OR Industrialization technology

OR military technology

OR farming technology

OR mass media technology

-Time Zones (matching US map)

-Electricity in cities



Essential Question #10- How does the historical content change or reinforce how you see your values and decisions in your role in society (Civic identity)

-What is the 16th amendment and what is your opinion of it?

-What is the 17th amendment and what is your opinion of it?

-What is the 18th amendment and what is your opinion of it?

-What is the 19th amendment and what is your opinion of it?

Study your tests from the first half of this year!  The Multiple choice questions and open response questions come from notes based on the following units and chapters: