Monday, January 8, 2024

2023-2024 Midterm review sheet

Tuesday, January 16- Last day of Quarter 2!  Deadline for quarter 2 work, makeup, re-submissions, etc.

2023-2024 Midterm schedule:

Wednesday, January 17

G- 8:00-9:30 AM

F- 10:00- 11:30 AM

E- 12:30-2:00 PM

Thursday, January 18

D- 8:00-9:30 AM

C- 10:00- 11:30 AM

Friday, January 19

B- 8:00-9:30 AM

A- 10:00- 11:30 AM

The midterm exam is comprised of at least 56 multiple choice questions worth 67 points total based on the unit tests and the most recent unit notes (Great Depression and New Deal).  The exam is also comprised of open response questions based on the course essential questions.  These 8 questions require specific examples and explanations to show knowledge pertaining to the question from 1877 until the 1930's.  These 8 questions are multiple points a piece to make up the remaining 33 points on the exam.  Below are the essential question-based open response questions you may see.

Essential Question #1- Explain an example from 1877-1930's of one of the below groups attempting to access their rights and/or how they were opposed.


-African Americans

-Native Americans

Essential Question #2- Explain one of the below examples from 1877-1930's of mass media being influential in America.



Essential Question #3- Give an example from 1877-1930's of the accumulation of wealth in US History and explain why it is important.

Essential Question #4- Explain one of the below examples from 1877-1930's of US Imperialism.



-Puerto Rico



-Panama Canal

Essential Question #5- What are the important parts of the American labor movement 1877-1930's?


-Boston Police Strike


Essential Question #6- Give one specific example from 1877-1930's of the importance of a political party or movement in US History?

Essential Question #7- Give one strong example 1877-1930's of an advancement in transportation technology and explain how it impacted the American people?




Essential Question #8- Give an example 1877-1930's of how is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?

Essential Question #9- How have the negative and positive effects of war affected the development of America?

-Spanish American War (1898)

-Philippine American War (1899)

-Boxer Rebellion (1900)

-WWI (1917-1918 (US Involvement))

Essential Question #10- How has the Idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?

Essential Question #11- How does the historical content change or reinforce how you see your values and decisions in your role in society (Civic identity- This part will have you evaluate Constitutional amendments 14-22, Presidencies, the New Deal, etc.)

Study your tests from the first half of this year!  The Multiple choice questions and open response questions come from notes based on the following units and chapters:

Map section- Know the location of:
-Puerto Rico

22.3 Notes

Student Learning Objective- Students will debate and evaluate Hoover's philosophy of lack of government handouts.

III. Hoover Struggles with the Depression
            A. ____________tries to reassure Nation
                        1. Hoovers philosophy
                                    a. “____________ ____________” will succeed.
                                    B. handouts ruin self-respect and “____________”
                                    c. Handouts cause ____________
                                    d. ____________did not exist, Hoover did not believe in it.
                        2. Hoover takes cautious Steps
                                    a. asked employers not to lay off workers or to cut ____________
                                    b. asked labor _______leaders not to push strikes or higher wages
                        3. ____________Dam
                                    a. Hydro-electric power
                                    b. Colorado River Basin à AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM, UT, WY
                                    c. called ____________Dam now
                                    d. worlds tallest and second largest
                                    e. $700 million cost à very successful accomplishment (secretary
                                        Commerce/ president)
5.      Dems win in 1930 ____________Elections
a.       Anti-Hoover sentiment causes ____________to lose popularity
b.      “____________”= Shanty towns
c.       “____________” = homeless  with newspapers
d.      “____________” = pockets inside out
B. Hoover Takes Action
            1. Hoover Backs Cooperatives
                        a. ____________Farm Board (raise farm prices)
                        b. National ____________Corporation (banks are backed)
            2. Direct Intervention
                        a. Federal Home ____________Bank Act (page 687)
                        b. Reconstruction ____________Corporation
C. Gassing the Bonus Army
                        a. (1932) 10,000-20,000 ____________Veterans and families arrived in D.C to demand Bonus (Bonus Army)
            1. ____________Bill Denied
                        a. In 1945 Vets would get money and life insurance
                        b. Wright Patman believed $500 should be ____________paid
                        c. * Hoover (page 688)
                        d. Hoover opposed bill but respected right to ____________
                        e. ____________voted down Bonus on June 17, 1932
                        f. 2,000 of Bonus Army ____________
            2. Hoover disbands Bonus Army

                        a. 1,000 soldiers led by ____________tear gassed 1,000 people

Student Learning Objective- Students will debate and evaluate Hoover's philosophy of lack of government handouts.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

22.2 Notes

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to recall details regarding people's hardships during the Great Depression in America.

II. Hardship and Suffering during the Depression
A.    The Depression Devastates People’s Lives
1.      The Depression in ____________
a.       people lost jobs, got ___________
b.      ___________!
c.       __________ were makeshift villages made out of rubble (page 679)
d.      _________ Kitchens/ ________ lines gave people handouts
e.       African American‘s and Latinos conditions worsen
2.      Depression in ____________Areas
a.       (1929- 1932) about 400,000 farms foreclosed
3.      The ____________Bowl
a.       Plowing removed thick protective layer of grass/ prairie à  exhausted land à drought à dry land à winds blew “dust”
b.      KS, OK, TX, NM, CO = DUST BOWL
c.       Map on page 680
B.     Effects on The American Family
a.       family ____________
b.      ____________games à monopoly (invented in 1933)
c.       listening to the ____________
1.      Men in Streets
a.       300, 000 “____________” wandered à hitched train rides
b.      Direct Relief : cash payments or food provided by government (*Not common*) 
c.       $2.39/ week per family in ____________ City. Most generous in city.
2.      Women Struggle to Survive
a.       People believe ____________have no right to work while men were unemployed.
b.      ____________less
3.      ____________Suffer Hardships
a.       rise in ____________
b.      2600 schools closed by 1933
c.       300, 000 students out of ____________
d.      Leads to ____________!!
e.       “____________” roamed the country
f.       called “____________” sometimes (because no direct relief given)
g.      armed freight yard patrolmen = “____________”
h.      (1929-1939) 24, 647 tress passers killed, 27, 171 injured on ____________property.  How? Bulls, _________,______
4.      Social and ____________Effects
a.       ____________rate rose 30%
b.      __________stopped going to dentist and or doctor no $

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to recall details regarding people's hardships during the Great Depression in America.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

22.1 Notes

Film clip- 1929- Stock Market Crash
1- What detail surprised you?

2- What is important?

Student learning objective- Students will be able to identify the causes and effects of the Great Depression.

I. The Nation's _______________ Economy
A. Economic Troubles on the Horizon
1. Industries in Trouble
a. Railroads, steel and textiles barely making a profit
b. mining and lumbering not in high demand anymore
2. _______________ need a lift
3. _______________ have less money to spend
4. Living on _______________
5. uneven distribution of _______________
B. _______________ takes the nation
1. The Election of _______________
a. Hoover- _______________ was a former mining engineer and leader of the WWI Food Administration
b. Alfred Smith- _______________ was a lifelong politician and Governor of NY
c. _______________ wins!
2. Dreams of Riches in the Stock Market
a. Averaging the top 30 stocks on the market- _______________ Jones Industrial Average
C. The Stock Market _______________
1. Black _______________- 10/29/1929- Stock Market Crash
D. Financial Collapse
- Great _______________- 1929-1940ish
1. Bank and business _______________- one of the effects of great depression
Also- _______________= 13 million people out of work
-Average income dropped
-Consumer spending dropped
-Average people/family did not save any or much money
How did Jesse Livermore and Joseph Kennedy make out from the stock market crash and Great Depression?
2. World-wide Shock Waves
3. Causes of the Great Depression
a. Hawley Smoot _______________ and other tariffs and war-debt policies
b. _______________ crisis
c. availability of easy _______________
d. unequal distribution of _______________
e. Stock Market Crash
Play the game- Cause or effect!

Play "Pit"- It shows the unpredictability and risk of the stock market (The game is the commodities market but it's similar risk and unpredictability.

Who did the game go well for?
Who did the game go poorly for?

What happens if everybody was selling but nobody was buying?

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Chapter 22/Page 669 Intro

  1. What is the chapter called?
  2. What does that mean?
  3. What is happening in the photo?
  4. How do you think the people in the photo feel or what are they thinking?
  5. What surprises you in the timeline?
  6. What is notable to the Great Depression from the timeline?
  7. blue question- What would you do to feed your family?
  8. 1st examine the issues question- What groups of people will be most hurt by the economic crash?
  9. 2nd examine the issues question- What can you do to find a paying job?
  10. 3rd examine the issues question- What can unemployed and impoverished people do to help each other?
  11. Student Learning Objective- Through answering the questions in discussion format, students will build baseline knowledge for the Great Depression by recording their answers.