Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Studying for the Roaring Twenties Test (CH 20-21)

The Roaring Twenties Test is Friday, December 15 on google classroom/forms.

All Tests are 100% based on class notes and discussions.  The notes are based on the book "The Americans" Chapter 20 and 21 and other sources.  Text links given each day.

For the 14 multiple choice, choose the best answer!  If you need to, eliminate wrong answers to find the best answer!  For the 3 open response questions, write a logical response to the question answering all parts of the question and use a specific historical example discussed in our class to prove you know.  

Cheating in any form is prohibited.  This test judges what you know on test day.  Retakes will be allowed after grading is complete, so no need to cheat or plagiarize anyway!  Also, retakes should decrease the test anxiety!  Once the test is graded, Mr. Cook will "release the grade and comments", and you will be sent an email (from google forms which gives feedback on manually entered point deductions).  Mr. Cook will also tell the students that the email has been sent in class once they are all done.  To prepare for a potential retake, at that point students should study the released test and see Mr. Cook at an appropriate time for studying help also as Multiple Choice questions do not offer feedback.  Contact Mr. Cook at a later time when ready for a retake.  He will have to send you one via email.  Multiple choice and open response questions are based on notes but also on the course essential questions below!  When studying on your own, try to come up with everything they know for each essential question pertaining to our recently studied unit.  

The Essential Questions are below. 

  1. How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

  1. How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture?

  1. How does the drive to acquire Wealth influence America?

  1. Where does the drive for Expansion come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

  1. How has the rise and fall of the Industry / Labor and the Labor Movement shaped the American work environment and Economy?

  1. How have the Political Parties established and transformed their platforms to adapt to changing values in society to appeal to the masses and how have citizens affected the growth and change of political parties and government?

  1. How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people?
  2. How is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?
  3. How have the cost and spoils of war affected the development of America?
  4. How has the idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?
  5. How does [the content] change or reinforce how you see your values and decisions in your role in society (Civic identity)?

21.3 and 21.4

Essential Question #7- How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people?

Film clip- 1927 Lindbergh
1. Why is it such a big deal?
2. What details surprise you?
3. What does this all lead to?

Essential Question #2- How has the rise of Mass Media(Radio!) influenced and transformed Culture?

  1. What is the title of chapter 21 section 4?
  2. What was it? (page 660)

  1. What was the Renaissance?

  1. Why did many African Americans move north in the 1920’s? (Great Migration- page 658)

  1. What problems arose?

  1. What was founded in 1909? (659)

  1. Marcus _________ founded the UNIA in 1914.
  2. Read “a personal voice” on page 659.  Opinion?

  1. What is your opinion of the 2nd sentence on page 660?

  1. Homeland for African Americans established in ______________

  1. React to the map on page 661.

  1. What place do Louis Armstrong and other Harlem Renaissance artists have in American culture and history?

12. Let America be America Again by Langston Hughes- What is the main idea?  What is evidence Hughes uses to prove his main idea?

Essential Question #1- How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?
Essential Question #10- How has the idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?

Monday, December 11, 2023

Double Standard (21.2)

American History 10- “Double Standard”

Student learning objective #1- Students will be able to explain the impact of the first wave of feminism in the US.

____ wave of Feminism- Late 1800's and early 1900's
____ wave of Feminism- 1960's and 1970's
____ wave of Feminism- 1990's- present
Note- this topic will be revisited in the 1960's and 1970's.

Student learning objective #2Students will also be able to explain the existence of double standards in society and the double standards which are less common today.

  1. Who were the “Flappers”? (page 647)

  1. What is a “double standard”? (What does it mean?  How it is used in general or google it if you do not know)

  1. What is a double standard from the 1920’s? (page 647)

  1. What are some double standards today?

  1. What are still considered “men’s jobs”?  Why?

  1. What are still considered “women’s jobs”?  Why?

  1. Who should raise the children in a family?  Why?

  1. How should inheritances work?  Why?

  1. What unwritten rules should be followed for dating?

  1. How should marriage work?  Why?

  1. Page 648- Margaret _____________ opened the first birth control clinic in the US in 1916, founded the American Birth Control League in 1921 and founded Planned Parenthood.
  2. What is your opinion on birth control?

  1. What is your opinion on abortion?

Both learning objectives from the beginning achieve the following- Students will be able to explain the impact of feminism in the US. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

21.1 revised

 Student Learning Objective- Students will decide if Prohibition of alcohol (18th amendment) was success or failure.

Directions- Read through the notes Mr. Cook took on Chapter 21, Section 1.  Fill in the blanks.  Check the book using the link for clarification or email if needed.  At the end, students will be required to write and submit a written response following the specific directions at the end of this document.

American History 10- 21.1 Notes
I. Changing Ways of Life
A. Rural and Urban Distances
1. The New urban scene
a. Many immigrants from all over the world in cities
2. The _________________ Experiment
a. The 18th Amendment/Prohibition (1920-1933) made the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages illegal in the US.
b. Prohibition advocates believed these would be the benefits
i. Health- many health concerns are drug and alcohol related
ii. Crime- many crimes and domestic abuse are drug and alcohol related
iii. Workplace safety- Many accidents on the job were drug and alcohol related
c. other causes of Prohibition
i. Anti-German (foreigner) sentiment after WWI (many brewers were Germans)
ii. Some religious groups pushed for prohibition
3. Speakeasies and Bootleggers
a. A hidden nightclub or saloon was called a _________________ (boldfaced)
b. Someone who smuggled illegal booze was called a _________________ (boldfaced)
4. Organized Crime
a. Unfortunately, crime went WAY up during prohibition as people were going to drink and mobsters could supply it- rival mobs were very violent
b. Al Capone is the most infamous mobster of the era
c. Capone was never caught for the booze and the murders but he was busted on tax evasion
d. Drinking reportedly INCREASED during prohibition
c. The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment and alcohol was legal again
i. many business people benefited- restaurants, bars, stores, etc.
B. Science and _________________ Clash
1. American Fundamentalism
a. Some Christians rejected Darwin's theory of evolution
2. The Scopes Trial
a. John Scopes, a TN teacher was arrested for teaching evolution in Biology class
b. Scopes appealed and was still found guilty fined $100
c. Today, teaching religion is more controversial in school than teaching science (opposite of 1920's)

Directions for Reflection- In at least 3 sentences, explain whether Prohibition of alcohol was a success or a failure in the US (1920-1933).  Use specific evidence from the notes.  Do not plagiarize.  Plagiarism results in a score of zero.  Use your own words!  Email Mr. Cook for help if needed!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

CH 21 Roaring Twenties/Page 638-639 Intro

Student Learning Objective- Students will discuss (summarize) how the "Roaring Twenties" affected people of color, women, families, workers, etc.
  1. What is the title of the chapter?
  2. What does it mean?
  3. How is this photo symbolic of the "roaring twenties"?
  4. What does the photo demonstrate about African Americans during the time period?
  5. What is notable (and relevant to the Roaring Twenties) from the timeline and why?
  6. Blue question- How might the new prosperity change your life?
  7. 1st examine the issues question- As Americans leave farms and small towns to take jobs in the cities, how might their lives change?
  8. 2nd examine the issues question- How will economic prosperity affect married and unmarried women?
  9. 3rd examine the issues question- How might rural and urban areas change as more and more families acquire automobiles?
  10. Student Learning Objective- Students will discuss (summarize) how the "Roaring Twenties" affected people of color, women, families, workers, etc.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of the Harding Presidency.

American History 10- 20.2-20.3 notes and reflection
  1. Why should you be careful about who you associate with?

  1. How can you have friends, be professional/successful, not let friendships get in the way, but also not lose track of what’s important? (How do you balance family, friends, and the rest of life without thinking you are better than them or letting them damage your life or career?)

  1. What is a situation where someone’s personal life ruined their professional life?

  1. What is a situation where somebody forgot “who they were” or “where they are from” or something like that when they didn’t necessarily need to?

  1. Look at the picture of Warren Harding on page 625.  How would you describe him?

  1. Read “a personal voice” on page 625.  What did Harding want to accomplish?

  1. ______________ was president from 1912-1920.  He was a ______________
  2. ______________ was elected in 1920 and died in office in 1923.  He was a ______________.
  3. His Vice-President, ______________ also a Republican, was president from 1923 until 1928 (He was elected in 1924.)
  4. Harding’s cabinet was known as the ______________ because many of them were his ______________ buddies from his home state of Ohio
  5. Harding is not remembered positively because of the people he picked for his ______________.
  1. His Secretary of the ______________, Albert ______________ leased government lands to private companies and pocketed the profits.  He paid off many politicians before he was caught.  This was known as the “______________ scandal”
  2. 60 Second Presidents- Harding
  3. What was the problem with the Harding Presidency?

  1. What happened to Harding during his presidency?

  1. Read the “personal voice” on page 633.  What does this illustrate?

Critical Thinking- What were the causes of the Harding Presidency?

Critical Thinking- What were the effects of the Harding Presidency?

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

20.1 Notes

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of the Red Scare.

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will evaluate the following statement- "City workers have the responsibility not to go on strike."

American History 10- Chapter 20.1 (discussion questions and) Notes
Directions: Fill in the blanks or answer the questions based on the class discussion and lecture.
  1. What can terrorists do to disrupt life in the US?

  1. Why do they want to disrupt life in the US?

  1. What does the US government need to do to prevent this?

  1. Is there a limit to security?  Should the US not cross certain boundaries?  Back up your opinion.

  1. How was there a similar situation to the current US regarding terrorism during the 1920’s?

  1. What was the government’s reaction to the “Red Scare”?

  1. What is your opinion of the actions that the US government took?

  1. What were the 5 post-WWI trends that America experienced?  Define each one.

  1. The _______________ police went on strike in 1920
  2. All participants were _______________.
  3. The city’s order was held together by the _______________  _______________.
  4. The mayor Andrew Peters was a hero, but the Governor of MA, ______________________________ gets most the of the credit.  He said “there is no right to strike against the public safety”.
  5. _______________ is a dictatorship that controls the economy completely.  It is based on the extreme Socialist teachings of ______________ who wanted financial ___________ among all      peoples.
  6. In 1917, Communists called ______________ overthrew Russia.  They dropped out of ______________.  Russia was not invited to the Treaty of ______________ in 1918 because the “Big Four” disapproved of Communism.
  7. The ______________ party was founded in America and had roughly ______________ members by 1920.
  8. Several dozen ______________ were mailed to government and business leaders starting a scare over those who could possibly be against the US government.
  9. ______________ was the color of the flag of the ______________
  10. Russia called itself the __________________________________________  under its new leader Vladimir Lenin.
  11. China’s flag is ______________ today
  12. The Attorney General of the US was named A. Mitchell ______________
  13. His attempts to root out Communists were called ____________________________ or the “__________________________”
  14. Palmer and J. Edgar Hoover, the founder of the ______________ and their task force hunted down ______________, ______________ and ______________
  15. ______________ do not believe in government all together!
  16. Italian shoemaker, Niccolo ______________ and fish peddler Bartolomeo ______________ were anarchists who had dodged the WWI ______________
  17. They were ______________-Americans
  18. They were accused of a double homicide in South ______________, MA and were convicted on weak evidence!
  19. The only evidence against them were that the murderers fleeing the scene of the crime were _______________.
  20. They were sentenced to_______________.
  21. Read a Personal Voice on page 620.  What was their plea? _______________.
  22. Critical Thinking- What were the causes of the Red Scare?
  23. Critical Thinking- What were the effects of the Red Scare?

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of the Red Scare.

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will evaluate the following statement- "City workers have the responsibility not to go on strike."

Monday, December 4, 2023

Roaring Twenties/CH 20/Page 616-617 Intro

Student learning objective
- Students will identify the positive and negative aspects of the "Roaring" 1920's.

  1. What is the name of the chapter?
  2. What does that mean?
  3. What is happening in the photo?
  4. What is notable (and/or relevant to the unit) from the timeline and why?
  5. Blue question- Would you strike and risk your family's welfare?
  6. 1st examine the issues question- Do city workers have a responsibility not to go on strike?
  7. 2nd examine the issues question- Should the government intervene in disputes between labor and business?
  8. 3rd examine the issues question- Does the success of a strike depend on you?
Student learning objective- Students will identify the positive and negative aspects of the "Roaring" 1920's.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Gallipoli Questions and reflection

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will generate examples of how nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the alliance system caused WWI.

American History 10- Gallipoli Questions
Directions: Watch the scenes of the movie and answer the questions.  The class will discuss before moving on to the next scene!
Scene in the desert- Scene 5
1.      Why does the blonde bloke not understand why his mate (Mel Gibson's character Frank Dunne) doesn’t want to join the war?

2.      Why should Frank Dunne join?

3. Frank says that it “is not our bloody war” and the Archy considers him a coward for not wanting to fight.  Who do you agree with?  Why?

4.      How did the war start?

5.      Why are they fighting against Turkey?

6.      “What does it have to do with us?”

7.      What do you think about the Archy's (blonde bloke) mentality?

8.      Where are these people from and where is this taking place?

9.      Why are people from that country eager to join the war?

Reflection directions- After class discussion, respond prompt #1 and it will be uploaded 11/23 with your 11/23 reflection to google classroom.

  • PROMPT #1- Using examples from the film Gallipoli and your own knowledge, how did nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the alliance system cause WWI?

Gallipoli Student Learning Objective #2- Students will understand how WWI affected people from countries like Australia, Turkey, United States, etc.
Before the battle in the Ottoman Empire at Gallipoli- Scene 12
10.  What do you think of Archy’s letter to his family?

11.  What happened after the mistake of waiting 3 minutes after the artillery strike on the Ottoman Turks?

12.  What do you make of that situation?

13.  How would you describe how the soldiers’ attitudes change right before and during the battle (especially Mel Gibson and the blonde character)?

14.  What does Mel Gibson’s “runner” job consist of?

15.  Why is his job very necessary?

16.  What is Mel Gibson (the runner) trying to convince the General of?

17.  When the General finally tells Mel Gibson (the runner) that he is starting to “reconsider” (which means he is not going to send them in to battle right away), what happens?

18.  What is your reaction to the end of the movie?

19.  Why did the creators of the film Gallipoli choose this ending?

Reflection directions- After class discussion, respond prompt #2 and then upload your 11/24 and 11/23 reflections to google classroom.  This is a summative assessment!

  • PROMPT #2- Using examples from the film Gallipoli and your own knowledge, how did WWI affect people from countries like Australia, Turkey, United States, etc.?