Monday, November 27, 2023

All Quiet on the Western Front Questions and reflection

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will explain how Nationalism, militarism and the alliance system caused WWI by seeing young men go through it.

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will summarize how WWI affected Germans, French, British, etc.

American History 10- All Quiet on the Western Front Questions
  1. How was Nationalism displayed in this scene? (Scene 3)

  1. How do you think Nationalism can cause a war like this? (Scene 3)

  1. What were the young German students influenced to do? (Scene 3)

  1. What did Germans predict the “Great War” would be like? (Scene 3)

  1. How would you describe this group of young 17 and 18 year old German boys in 1914? (Scene 4)

  1. What did the boys expect to treat their drill sergeant like?  Why? (Scene 4)

  1. What were the boys expected to treat their drill sergeant like? (Scene 4)

  1. Do you agree with this?  Why or why not? (Scene 4)

  1. What did the boys think of their superior officer/drill sergeant (Himmelstoss)? (Scene 4)

  1. What did they do to Himmelstoss because of this? (Scene 4)

  1. What conditions of war did the boys not expect? (Scene 6)

  1. What is the difference between the young guys and the older guys? (Scene 6)

  1. Describe battle in the “war to end all wars” (WWI)? (discussion)

  1. What were problems with life in the trenches? (discussion)

  1. What psychological or health problems resulted from trench life/trench warfare? (discussion)
  2. Would you be able to keep your sanity?  Why or why not? (discussion)

  1. How was war fought differently before WWI? (discussion)

  1. How was war fought differently after WWI? (discussion)

  1. What new weapons were used in WWI? (discussion)

  1. “How does a war start”? (Scene 9)

  1. What does this quote mean to you… “I don’t want to shoot an Englishman!  I never saw an Englishman until now…” (Scene 9)

  1. What happened in the hospital? (Scene _)

  1. Why were boots so important? (Scene _)

  1. Why was a cherry tree so great? (Scene _)

  1. What happened to the 20 boys from the class at the beginning? (Discussion)

  1. How does the German soldier react when he kills a Frenchman in a trench?  Why? (Scene _)

  1. How does the movie depict war all together?  Explain (All scenes- Discussion)
Following class discussion, write your reflection following the below parameters.
1- Based on the movie and the questions, explain how Nationalism, militarism and the alliance system caused WWI by seeing young men go through it.  

2- Based on the movie and the questions, explain how WWI affected Germans, French, British, etc.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

WWI map assignment

American History 10- Chapter 19 WWI Map Assignment
Student learning objective- Students will locate countries involved in WWI and will identify boundary and country changes on the map due to WWI.

Purpose: In class, we discussed these countries.  It does not make sense to discuss countries as much if you do not know where they are in the world.

Directions:  Label the countries on the blank map.  These are to prepare for the WWI map quiz 11/28.  Use the maps on pages 581 and 606 to identify the locations of countries below.  For each different map, there is a list of countries that will be on the quiz.  WWI Map quiz is 11/28 and you might only see boldfaced countries.  Use the book to study.  Use the below games to study.  Let me know if you need anything.
Europe in 1914 (Use page 581):

Chapter 19 Section 1

  • Spain
  • Great Britain
  • France
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Austria-Hungary
  • Serbia
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • Ottoman Empire
  • Russia
Europe in 1918 (Use page 606):

Chapter 19 Section 4

  • Spain
  • Great Britain
  • France
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • East Prussia (Germany)
  • Poland
  • Estonia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Czechoslovakia
  • Austria
  • Hungary
  • Yugoslavia
  • Albania
  • Greece
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • Turkey
  • Russia
After completing, use these or other online map quizzes to prepare:

19.4 Notes and Pg 607 PCO

American History 10- 19.4
Student Learning Objective- Students will summarize the differing arguments surrounding the League of Nations and then will EVALUATE the League of Nations.

IV. Wilson Fights for __________________
Personal voice- Wilson struggled to get his League of Nations accepted by Congress.
A.      Wilson Presents his Plan
Wilson did not expect rejection of his plan after the receptions he received
1.       __________________ Points
a.       No secret treaties
b.      Freedom of seas
c.       Tariffs should be lowered or abolished to establish free trade
d.      Arms should be reduced to “lowest point consistent with domestic safety”
e.      Colonial policies should consider the interest of the colonial people as well as imperialist powers
f.        The next 8 dealt with post-war boundary changes
g.       14 point- __________________ of Nations- a forum for nations to discuss and settle grievances without resorting to war
2.       The Allies Reject Wilson’s Plan
a.       Big Four-
                                                                                                                                       i.      Woodrow Wilson
                                                                                                                                     ii.      __________________ leader- Georges Clemenceau
a.       Lived through 2 German invasions.  Wanted to prevent further invasions.
                                                                                                                                    iii.      __________________ leader- David Lloyd George
a.       “Make Germany pay!”
                                                                                                                                   iv.      __________________ leader- Vittorio Orlando
a.       Wanted Austrian territory promised when Italy switched sides!
b.      Contrary to custom, the conference did not invite the Central Powers.
                                                                                                                                       i.      Russia was not invited either because they had recently gone Communist and Germany was not invited because they were supposed to assume blame for the war
c.       Wilson gave up most of his 14 points to get his League of Nations!
B.      Debating the Treaty of Versailles
1.       Provisions of the Treaty
a.       9 new nations- __________________, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, etc.
b.      5 areas from the Ottoman Empire were given to France and Great Britain
c.       Germany was barred from maintaining an army
d.      Alsace-Lorraine returned to France
e.      $33,000,000,000 in reparations
2.       The Treaty’s weaknesses
a.       War-guilt clause made __________________ accept sole responsibility for WWI
b.      Reparations were not possible to repay
c.       Germany was stripped of their colonies, which could have helped them pay the reparations, and that was hypocritical when France and Great Britain just gained colonies
d.      Russia lost more territory than any country in the Treaty of Versailles- They became the USSR in 1922 and sought to gain massive amounts of territories in result
e.      Southeast Asians were ignored in their quest for freedom
3.       Opposition to the Treaty
a.       Herbert Hoover and others thought it was “too harsh”
4.       Debate over the League of Nations
a.       Henry Cabot Lodge wanted to modify
b.      William Borah and others were opposed
                                                                                                                                       i.      They did not want to be drawn into another war due to being in an international body
5.       Wilson Refuses to Compromise
a.       1919 8,000 mile tour
b.      34 speeches in 3 weeks
c.       Wilson suffered a stroke and was in poor health
d.      H.C. Lodge made amendments to it and the majority Republican Senate rejected it
e.      The US signed a treaty with Germany in 1921
f.        The US never joined the League of Nations
C.      The Legacy of the War
a.       Americans hoped to “return to normalcy" after WWI
b.      Fascist regimes took over Italy, Germany and __________________
c.       “It cannot be that two million Germans should have fallen in vain…No, we do not pardon, we demand- vengeance!” – Adolf __________________

                                                               i.      Proof that the way WWI was handled caused WWII

Student Learning Objective- Students will summarize the differing arguments surrounding the League of Nations and then will EVALUATE the League of Nations.

Our class Reflection- Pg. 607 Point/Counterpoint/Opinion

1- Summarize the "point"
2- Summarize the "Counterpoint"
3- Write your opinion

4 sentence minimum

Monday, November 20, 2023

Study for WWI Test (Chapter 19 of The Americans)

 WWI Test is Thursday, November 30 on google classroom/forms.

All Tests are 100% based on class notes and discussions.  The notes are based on the book "The Americans" and other sources.  Text links given each day.

The test is made up of 25 multiple choice and 6 short open response questions.  For multiple choice, choose the best answer!  If you need to, eliminate wrong answers to find the best answer!  For open response, write a logical response to the question using a specific historical example discussed in our class to prove you know and always answer all parts of the question.

Cheating in any form is prohibited.  This test judges what you know on test day.  Retakes will be allowed after grading is complete, so no need to cheat or plagiarize anyway!  Also, retakes should decrease the test anxiety!  Once the test is graded, Mr. Cook will "release the grade and comments", and you will be sent an email (from google forms which gives feedback on manually entered point deductions).  Mr. Cook will also tell the students that the email has been sent in class once they are all done.  To prepare for a potential retake, at that point students should study the released test and see Mr. Cook at an appropriate time for studying help also as Multiple Choice questions do not offer feedback.  Contact Mr. Cook at a later time when ready for a retake.  He will have to send you one via email.  Multiple choice and open response questions are based on notes but also on the course essential questions below!  During the class period, Thursday, November 30, the class will have time to study for the test.  When studying on your own, try to come up with everything they know for each essential question pertaining to our recently studied unit.  

The Essential Questions are below. 

Essential Question #2- How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture? Specifically how did the sinking of the Lusitania and how it was reported impact American history? How did Propaganda impact the US?

Essential Question #4- Where does the drive for Expansion come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

Specifically- What was the policy on Interventionism and Imperialism before WWI? How does this lead to US involvement in WWI?

Essential Question #5- How has the rise and fall of the Industry / Labor and the Labor Movement shaped the American work environment and Economy? Be able to explain the assembly line, and women working in factories leading to high production rates and eventually women's rights!

Essential Question #7- How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people? Be able to explain the weapons that affected WWI heavily and the weapons that did not play a major role in WWI but did afterward.

Essential Question #9- Explain the positive and negative outcomes of WWI for the USA

Essential Question #11- Civic Identity- Be able to evaluate US involvement

in the League of Nations after WWI and United Nations after WWII.

19.3 Notes and Reflection

American History 10- 19.3
Note- This was posted as a google doc to complete on google classroom 11/18

Directions- Fill in the blanks
III. The War at __________________
The personal voice proves that before WWI women were not often in the workplace and even when they were their skill and potential was overlooked and they were paid poorly.
A.      Congress gives power to __________________
1.       __________________Industries Board
a.       Bernard Baruch led
b.      Mass production techniques
c.       Eliminate waste
d.      Set quotas and allocated raw materials
e.      Industrial production skyrocketed 20%
f.        RR administration
g.       Fuel administration
                                                                                                                                      i.      Gasless Sundays and lightless nights
h.      Daylight savings time (worst!)
2.       War __________________
a.       Hourly wages rose 20% for shipbuilders, meatpackers, etc.
b.      Stock in large companies also skyrocketed
c.       6,000 labor strikes broke out though
d.      Wilson established the National War Labor Board to settle disputes
                                                                                                                                      i.      8 hour work day
                                                                                                                                    ii.      safety inspections
                                                                                                                                  iii.      child labor ban
3.       __________________administration
a.       Headed by Herbert Hoover
b.      Instead of rationing one day was “meatless”, another “sweetless”, two days “wheatless”, and two other days “porkless”
c.       Restaurants removed sugar bowls
d.      Gardening exploded in popularity
B.      __________________the War
1.       War __________________
a.       The US raised over $35,000,000,000
b.      Progressive income tax
c.       War bonds sold
2.       Committee on Public __________________
a.       Propaganda agency headed by George Creel
b.      “4 minute men” spoke about the parts of the war
c.       Millions of books and pamphlets distributed
C.      Attacks on Civil __________________Increase
1.       Anti-Immigrant __________________
a.       Orchestras stopped playing music of Germans
b.      Librarians stopped having German authors on shelves
c.        Names of food changed
2.       __________________and Sedition Acts- A person could be fined 10,000 and sentenced up to 20 years in prison for interfering with the war effort or saying anything disloyal, profane or abusive about the government or the war effort
D.      The War Encourages __________________Change
1.       __________________Americans and the War
a.       W.E.B. Du Bois believed that Blacks should support the war effort
2.       The Great __________________
a.       Hundreds of thousands of Blacks migrated to Northern cities
3.       __________________Riots
4.       __________________in the War
a.       Women worked their traditional jobs
                                                                                                                                      i.      Nurses, clerks, teachers
b.      Women worked men’s jobs
                                                                                                                                      i.      Coal mining, shipbuilding, railroad workers, cooks, dockworkers, bricklayers, etc.
c.       The 19th amendment followed the war
5.       The __________________Epidemic
a.       Affected ¼ of the US population
b.      Economy was devastated
                                                                                                                                      i.      Mines shut down
                                                                                                                                    ii.      Telephone service was cut
                                                                                                                                  iii.      Cities ran out of coffins

                                                                                                                                   iv.      Flu killed over 500,000 Americans and 30,000,000 worldwide!

19.3 Reflection student learning objective- In at least 4 thoughtful sentences, students will make a connection between the information about "WWI at home" in the Americans textbook and their life, current country or world that they live in.

Thursday, November 16, 2023


Film clips:
  • 1917- US Entry to WWI

Student Learning Objective #1- Students will summarize what it took for WWI to be won!

Student Learning Objective #2- Students will be able to explain why the US celebrates Veterans' Day (Memorial Day and Labor Day also).
American History 10- 19.2
1.       What are the most heroic stories you have heard outside of war?

2.       What are the most heroic war stories you have heard?

3.       What are the most horrific war stories you have heard?

4.       How do the non-war stories compare with the war stories?

5.       Read and reflect on the personal voice on page 587.

6.       When _____________________ was declared the US only had 200,000 men in service
7.       The __________________________________________ instituted a draft
8.       Over 400,000 African Americans served but they were in ­_____________________ units until Harry Truman desegregated the US military in WWII
9.       13,000 _____________________served as nurses, secretaries, and telephone operators (non-combat)
10.   The US had to ­_____________________ produce and transport men, food and equipment across the Atlantic
11.   Only 637 Americans perished in the sea out of the 2,000,000 that traveled to Europe.  That was because of the success of the _____________________system.
12.   Explain and evaluate the convoy system.

13.   The American Expeditionary Force (AEF) was led by General ­_____________________

14.   People called Americans ­_____________________
15.   New weapons of WWI were:
a.       Machine ­guns
b.      Airships and airplanes- ­_____________________
c.       Anti-Aircraft guns
d.      Poison gas (_____________________ gas)
e.      Tanks- _____________________
f.        Barbed wire was also used
g.       ­_____________________ or submarines
16.   New hazards:
a.       “Shell shock”
b.      Trench foot
c.       Trench mouth
17.   1917- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk- _____________________ dropped out of WWI and Americans arrived to help the French and British just in time!
18.   Alvin York killed 25 Germans and with 6 other Americans captured 132 prisoners.  He was previously a conscientious _____________________
19.   An armistice or cease-fire was signed on November 11, 1918 at 11:00 AM.  It is forever remembered at _____________________ Day
20.   What do we call it now?
21.   Why?
22.   What is Memorial Day?
23.   When is it?
24.   What is Labor Day?
25.   When is it?
26.   WWI was the bloodiest war in history.  ­_____________________ people died.
27.   20,000,000 were wounded and 10,000,000 were left homeless.  People think the war might have cost __________________________________________

28.   The ­_____________________ lost 48,000 men in battle, 62,000 from disease and had over 200,000 injured.

Discuss- Student Learning Objective #1- Students will summarize what it took for WWI to be won!

Discuss- Student Learning Objective #2- Students will be able to explain why the US celebrates Veterans' Day (Memorial Day and Labor Day also).

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of WWI.

1.       Do you know more about WWI or WWII?
2.       Why do you think that is?

3.       What do you know about WWI?

4.       How did WWI affect people’s families?

5.       Read the personal voice on page 578 and respond.

6.       The causes of WWI
a.       ______________________
b.      ______________________
c.       ______________________
d.      ______________________
                                                               i.      Triple Entente consisted of France, Great Britain and ______________________
                                                             ii.      Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and ______________________
                                                            iii.      Later, the Triple Entente became the ______________________ Powers or the Allies when Italy changed sides and the US and other allies were added.
                                                           iv.      Also, the Triple Alliance changed to become known as the ________________ Powers when it lost Italy but gained the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
7.       The spark that set the causes off happened in 1914.  Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian national terrorist from the ______________________ terrorist organization. (film clip)
8.       Although the government of Serbia did not condone these actions, Austria-Hungary declared war on ______________________
9.       Obligated by the alliance system, Germany declared war on Serbia’s ally ______________________
10.   Germany also declared war on Russia’s ally ______________________
11.   Germany invaded ______________________ because it was easier to go through to get to France than just invading France.  Because of these actions, ______________________ declared war on Germany and the Great War began!
12.   The Schlieffen Plan called for holding Russia where they were and focusing on capturing ______________________ in order to knock France out of the war quickly
13.   WWI was fought mostly via ­______________________ warfare especially in France
14.   The land between the trenches was called “no-man’s ______________________” (see picture on page 582)
15.   The British ______________________ Germany and hundreds of thousands of Germans starved as a result.  Americans were not happy with the British blockade because it cut our trade off and restricted freedom of the seas!
16.   Also, another result was that the Germans declared unrestricted submarine warfare!  Their submarines were called ______________________
17.   1,198 people, including 128 ______________________were killed when the Lusitania was sunk!
18.   The Arabic and the Sussex were sunk, which also killed ______________________
19.   ______________________won re-election in the Election of 1916 with the slogan “He kept us out of war”
20.   The ______________________ Note proposed a treaty between Germany and Mexico.  Germany said they would help Mexico regain “lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.  This letter was intercepted and the news came with 36 more American deaths due to German sinkings.

21.   Wilson and the US Congress declared war on the Central Powers in ______________________

Discussion- Revisit Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to explain the causes and effects of WWI.