Tuesday, October 31, 2023

17.4-17.5 Notes

How would you evaluate the Taft presidency?

William ______________
  • 6 foot 335 lbs
  • pictures 535, 536- How would you describe Taft's appearance? What does it help us remember?
  • Born 1857, son of a distinguished ______________ 
  • ______________ University graduate
  • By the time he was 34, he was a federal circuit ______________ 
  • 1900- chief civil administrator in ______________ 
  • T.R.'s secretary of ______________ 
  • T.R. chose him as successor and the American people voted for him
  • Remembered for:
    • Payne-Aldrich ______________ 
    • Baseball's Presidential first ______________ ceremony
    • The stories of him playing golf at Myopia Hunt Club in South Hamilton, ______________ 
    • After being President for one term, he returned to the courtroom and became a Supreme Court ______________ !
  • _________________= previous nominee of party wishing to run again gets automatic nomination
  • Roosevelt in Africa but then returns and challenges Taft
  • Election of 1912- Map Pg 537
    • _________________ (R)
    • _________________ (D)
    • _________________ (Progressive/Bull-Moose)
    • Debs (Socialist)
  • Why did Wilson prevail other than being a good candidate?

Essential Question #6- How have the Political Parties established and transformed their platforms to adapt to changing values in society to appeal to the masses and how have citizens affected the growth and change of political parties and government?

Essential Question #4- Where does the drive for Expansion/Intervention come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

  • Progressive President- Woodrow ______________ (1856-1924)
  • Pictures page 605- How would you describe Wilson's appearance? What does it help us remember?
  • Son of a Presbyterian minister and abolitionist in VA
  • Grandparents were Scottish and Irish immigrants to the US
  • Grew up to have values like his father and uncles, etc.
  • Could not read or write until he was 12- He was severely ______________ 
  • His biggest weakness became his biggest strength.  He is regarded as one of our most intellectual presidents despite his learning disability!
  • Davidson College, PHD at Johns Hopkins, passed the Georgia Bar exam, faculty at Bryn Mawr College and Wesleyan U, President of Princeton University 1902
  • Governor of ______________ 
  • 1912- Elected 28th President of the US
  • 1913- Inaugurated
  • The debate with him is- was he an idealist or a ______________ ?
  • The thing that people debate the most is his post-WWI concept/plan of the League of Nations

Monday, October 30, 2023

17.2 and 17.3 Notes and discussion

Essential Question #1- How have women attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?
Film clip- 1920- 19th Amendment-
What is the 19th amendment?
What surprised you in the film clip?

Based on Essential Question #5- How did women's rights effect the history of the American labor movement?

Women in workplace

  • Farm women
  • Factory women
  • Domestic workers
Women in higher education
Women's Suffrage movement

Why was President McKinley assassinated?

How did TR first become President?
TR was the __________________ President ever
What did TR do that was Progressive?

How would you compare or contrast TR and McKinley regarding imperialism?

Regarding TR- Essential Question #8- How is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?

Regarding TR- Essential Question #4- Where does the drive for Expansion/Intervention come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

Essential Question #6- Answer in the context of 17.3- How have the Political Parties established and transformed their platforms to adapt to changing values in society to appeal to the masses?

Progressive movement (1900ish-1920ish)
Progressive President- Theodore Roosevelt

  • born NY to a wealthy, powerful family in 1858
  • suffered from asthma but then became physically fit.  He turned his weakness into his strength
  • Analyze picture on 524
  • marksman, horse-back riding, boxing, wrestling, American football, etc.
  • Harvard _________________ graduate
  • 3 terms in NY state assembly
  • _________________ police commissioner
  • assistant secretary of _________________ (advocated war against Spain in 1898)
  • "Rough Riders"
  • pictures 546, 547, 566
  • Quotes 568, 526 (blue quotes)
  • Governor of _________________ 
  • McKinley's _________________ in 1900
  • Youngest President ever when McKinley is assassinated (______years old)
  • Unique accomplishments
    • _________________ (map 529)
    • Teddy Bear (notable- pg 524)
    • Saved the game of football (see separate item)
    • _________________ Deal
    • Bully _________________ 
    • Nobel Peace Prize- Treaty of Portsmouth, NH (film clip available)
  • Election of 1904
  • Election of 1908

Essential Question #6- Answer in the context of 17.3- How have the Political Parties established and transformed their platforms to adapt to changing values in society to appeal to the masses?

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

17.1 Outline and Reflection

Watch the film clip 1902 Ford Motor Company Founded and try to answer the questions before and during discussion (after the film clip)
Essential Question #5- How has the rise and fall of the Industry / Labor and the Labor Movement shaped the American work environment and Economy?

Essential Question #7- How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people?

I. The Origins of ______________
A. Four Goals of Progressivism
-Progressive movement- Make American life better
1. Protecting Social Welfare
a. Social Gospel Movement takes it upon themselves to help people
b. ______________
c. ______________Army
d. Florence Kelly- Women and children advocate
2. Promoting ______________Improvement
a. Prohibition
    i. ______________- Women's Christian Temperance Union
    ii. Carry Nation
    iii. Anti-______________League
3. Creating ______________Reform
a. ______________and the Socialist Party
b. ______________exposing corruption
4. Fostering ______________
a. Henry Ford's ______________line
B. Cleaning Up Local Government
1. Reforming Local Government
a. After natural disasters, help needed
   i. Hurricane and tidal wave- Galveston, ______________
   ii. Flood in Dayton, ______________
2. Reform Mayors
a. Hazen Pingree of Detroit, MI
b. Tom Johnson of Cleveland, OH
C. Reform at the State Level
1. Reform ______________
a. "Fighting Bob" La Follete (WI)
b. James Hogg, TX
2. Protecting Working Children
a. End child labor
b. National Child Labor Committee
3. Efforts to Limit Working Hours
a. 10 hour work day
4. Reforming Elections
a. ______________- bill proposed by the people
b. ______________- a yes or no vote on an initiative (Ballot questions)
c. ______________- Removing an elected official
5. Direct Election of Senators
a. ______________ amendment

-What did you already know?
-What did you learn?

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Page 510/CH 17/Progressivism Intro

Student Learning Objective- Students will decide whether or not they agree with the Progressive movement historically and today.  Students will also weigh why or why not they are "Progressive".

1. What is the title of the chapter?
2. What does that mean?
3. What event is occurring?
4. Who are the participants and why are they dressed the way they are?
5. What is "progressive" from the timeline?
6. Blue question on 511- "What kinds of actions can bring about social change?"
7. 1st examine the issues question on 511- "What types of actions might pressure big business to change?"
8. 2nd examine the issues question on 511- "How can individuals bring about change in their government?"
9. 3rd examine the issues question on 511- "How might reformers recruit others?"
10. Higher Order Thinking Question- What meets the qualifications of "Progressive" today?  Why?
11.  Higher Order Thinking Question- What does not meet the qualifications of Progressive today but still goes on?  Why?
12. Higher Order Thinking Question- Would you identify as Progressive?  Why or why not?
13. Higher Order Thinking Question- What needs to be done today to make our country/world more "Progressive"?

Extension (Writing assignment)- Answer Essential Question #1 or #8 in the context of women's (voting) rights

Essential Question #1- How have women attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

Essential Question #8- In the context of women around 1920- How is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?

Monday, October 16, 2023

Studying for Immigration, Urbanization and Modernization of the Late 1800's Test (Chapter 15 and 16 of "The Americans)

The Immigration, Urbanization and Modernization of the Late 1800's Test is Wednesday, October 18 in class on google forms.  The Test is 100% notes-based.  Class notes for this unit were based on Chapter 15 and 16 of "The Americans" textbook.  Textbooks can be borrowed any time from 2216!  Also, the links to the textbook are shared each class block!  The test contains 21 multiple choice and 6 short open response questions. For multiple choice, choose the best answer!  If you need to, eliminate wrong answers to find the best answer!  For open response, write a logical response to the question using a specific historical example discussed in our class to prove you know.  Cheating in any form is prohibited.  This test judges what you know on test day.  Retakes will be allowed after grading is complete, so no need to cheat or plagiarize anyway!  Also, retakes should decrease the test anxiety!  Once the test is graded, Mr. Cook will "release the grade and comments", and you will be sent an email (from google forms which gives feedback on manually entered point deductions).  Mr. Cook will also tell the students that the email has been sent in class once they are all done.  To prepare for a potential retake, at that point students should study the released test and see Mr. Cook at an appropriate time for studying help also as Multiple Choice questions do not offer feedback.  Contact Mr. Cook at a later time when ready for a retake.  Multiple choice and open response questions are based on notes but also on the course essential questions below!  The course essential questions are below.

US History II 10 Essential Questions (From syllabus) relevant to our Reconstruction, Westward Expansion and Industrialization of the late 1800's Test

  1. How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

  1. How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture?

  1. How does the drive to acquire Wealth influence America?

  1. Where does the drive for Expansion come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

  1. How has the rise and fall of the Industry / Labor and the Labor Movement shaped the American work environment and Economy?

  1. How have the Political Parties established and transformed their platforms to adapt to changing values in society to appeal to the masses and how have citizens affected the growth and change of political parties and government?

  1. How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people?
  2. How is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?
  3. How have the cost and spoils of war affected the development of America?
  4. How has the idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?
  5. How does [the content] change or reinforce how you see your values and decisions in your role in society (Civic identity)?

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Chapter 16 Outline and Reflection

Essential Question #7- How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people?

Film clip from "Days that Shook the World"- 1903
5. What did the Wright Brothers invent?
6. What detail(s) from the film surprised you?
7. Why was the invention of the airplane impactful?

American History 10- Chapter 16 Outline 
I.                    Science and Urban Life 
  1. Technology and City Life
1.      ____________
2.      Electric Transit
3.      Engineering and Urban Planning
4.      City Planning
  1. New Technologies
1.      A revolution in printing
2.      ___________________
3.      _____________ Explosion


Should there be boys only schools?
Should there be girls only schools?
What about college?
Should there be schools that are only for a certain race?

Essential Question #1- How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

II.                 Expanding Public Education
  1. Expanding public Education
Many students went for 4 years, dropped out, few went to high school
  1. Schools for children
    1. 1865-1895- school year was 12-16 weeks, ages 8-14
    2. Reading ______________ arithmetic
    3. Memorization and _________________ punishment
    4. Read personal voice on page 489
    5. 1880- 62% whites in elementary school and 34% of Blacks
  2. The growth of High Schools
    1. Pg 489- Carnegie quote
    2. Expanding Education/Increasing Literacy graph pg 489
    3. Edison quote pg 490
  3. Racial Discrimination
    1. 1890- less than 1% black students went to high school.
    2. 1910- 3% (mostly private schools
  4. Education for Immigrants
    1. _________________ were encouraged to go to High school

  1. Expanding Higher Education
1.      Changes in Universities
2.      Higher Education for African Americans
a.       Freedmen’s Bureau
b.      Howard U
c.       U of Atlanta
d.      Fisk U
These are now called _________________ Black Universities
e.       1900- 3880 out of 9000000 African Americans in college
f.        Booker T. _________________
                                                                                                                                       i.      Born slave
                                                                                                                                     ii.      Beliefs
1.      learn and work hard
2.      Do not push too hard to end segregation and racism
3.      Work with whites
4.      achieve and prove your worth
5.      Go to trade schools and learn a trade and skills
6.      College is not always necessary
                                                                                                                                    iii.      Founded Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute
g.       W.E.B. Du Bois
                                                                                                                                       i.      1st African American to graduate from _________________ Law School (Graduate school)
                                                                                                                                     ii.      Beliefs
1.      Criticized Washington for his “cowardly” approach
2.      End racism and segregation ASAP
3.      Encouraged African Americans to go to college
4.      Early leader of the NAACP
5.      Started the Niagara movement- send Blacks to college
6.      Pronounced his name unlike a European would

Essential Question #1- How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?
Did the Supreme Court get this ruling right or wrong?  Explain!

III.               Segregation and Discrimination
  1. African Americans fight legal discrimination
1.      Voting restrictions
a.       _________________ Tests
b.      _________________ Tax
c.       _________________ Clause
2.      Jim Crow Laws
a.       _________________
b.      Origin- P. Cook
3.      Plessy vs. Ferguson (pg 496)
a.       Homer Plessy found guilty for riding in “Whites Only” RR car
b.      Appealed to the Supreme Court
c.       14th Amendment (496)
d.      The ruling (496)- Separate but _________________
e.       Established legal segregation
f.        What did Harlan say? (496) _________________
g.       Overturned in 1954- Brown vs. Board of Education in TopekaKS
  1. Turn of the century race relations
1.      Violence
2.      Discrimination in the North
  1. Discrimination in the west
1.      Mexican workers (slavery)
2.      Excluding the Chinese

Reflection- How is Plessy vs. Ferguson unfair?
Reflection- How are literacy tests to vote unfair to African Americans?
Reflection- How is paying a poll tax in order to vote unfair to African Americans?
Reflection- How is the grandfather clause unfair to African Americans?

Essential Question #2- How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture?

Essential Question #10- How has the idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?

IV.              The Dawn of Mass Culture (Section 4 can be studied by students via vocab- not much in the curriculum here)
A. American Leisure
1. Amusement Parks
2. Bicycling and tennis
3. Spectator Sports
4. Baseball
B. The Spread of Mass Culture
1. Mass Circulation newspapers
a. Pulitzer- New York World
b. Hearst- New York Journal
2. Promoting Fine Arts
3. Popular Fiction
C. New Ways to Sell Goods
1. Urban Shopping
2. The Department Store
3. The Chain Store
4. Advertising
5. Catalogs and Rural Free Delivery

Student Learning Objective- Students will be able to answer a course essential question using at least one piece of evidence from section 4 of Chapter 16, which contribute to our Immigration, Urbanization and Modernization of the late 1800's and early 1900's Unit.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Turn of the 20th Century/Pg 480 Intro (Chapter 16)

  1. What is happening?
  2. Describe the atmosphere.
  3. What is reminiscent of modern times?
  4. Why are a camel and Arabian architecture commemorating this occasion?
  5. blue question on 481- "How will the latest technology change your life?"
  6. 1st "examine the issues" question- "How can technology contribute to new forms of recreation?"
  7. 2nd "examine the issues" question- "What types of inventions transform communications?"
  8. 3rd "examine the issues" question- "Why would mass media emerge at this time?"
  9. Higher Order Thinking- Why do we have off for "Columbus Day"?
  10. Higher Order Thinking- Why is "Indigenous People's Day" on the calendar?
  11. Higher Order Thinking- Which should we observe- Columbus Day, Indigenous People's Day or both?

  12. Student Learning Objectives:
    -Students will connect the holiday of Columbus Day (Indigenous Peoples Day) to the turn of the 20th Century and American History as a whole
    -Students will develop an understanding of the changes taking place at the turn of the 20th Century

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

15.3 Notes and disussion

Chapter 15 Section 3
Student Learning Objective- Students will identify the pros and cons of attaining jobs, etc. through social connections.

American History 10- 15.3 notes and discussion (10/10/23)
1. What good purposes can (social) “connections” serve? 

2. Give a specific example of how a “connection” helped you, a friend or family member.

3. What is the bad side of “connections”?  Use specific examples.

4. How would you describe the picture on page 473?

5. What is unusual about the picture?

6. What was the time period of the 1870’s, 1880’s and 1890’s called?
7. Who named the era?
8. What does Gilded mean?

9. Why did Twain pick that name?

10. What vocabulary term from Chapter 14/Industrialization explains how so many people became rich and even millionaires while many more were struggling in poverty? ____________ ____________________
11. What does one call an “organized group that controlled the activities of a political party in a city, which offered services to voters and/or businesses in exchange for political and/or financial support”? _________________ ____________________
12. What is an example of how political machines could use immigrants or other people in cities to their advantage?
13. What does “naturalization” mean?
14. Who controlled municipal jobs, naturalization, business licenses, and influenced the courts for the political machine? _________________ _______________
15. What is the “giving of government jobs to people who helped a candidate get elected” called? _________________
16. How can you remember the word “patronage”?

17. What are the pros (+) of patronage?

18. What are the cons (-) of patronage?

Revisit- Student Learning ObjectiveStudents will make a correlation between their social connections  and the political connections of the late 1800's in order to analyze and evaluate patronage (Spoils System).

American History 10- 15.3 notes and discussion continued(10/11/23)
Student Learning Objective #1Students will identify the important facts of the presidencies of  Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, and Harrison by answering the questions while watching 60 second presidents!

1. Why was James Garfield killed?

2. What type of Republican was Chester Arthur?
3. Did Arthur keep patronage going or end it with the Pendleton Civil Service Act?
4. Who is the only president to serve non-consecutive terms (elected 1884, not 1888 and elected 1892)
5. What is important about Benjamin Harrison? (Elected 1888)

6. Who used his power as New York City boss to create parks, sewer systems, hospitals, orphanages, etc.?
7. What were the supporters or followers of political machines, bosses, and patronage called?
8. Who was the leader of the Stalwarts?
9. Who was the good political boss of Kansas CityMO until 1905?
10. What is “Big Jim” remembered so fondly for?
11. Read “a personal voice” on page 474.  What is the point of this “Big Jim” Pendergast quote?

12. Why did “Big Jim” quit politics in 1905?
13. Who took over as KC, MO boss?
14.What is this an example of?
15. What did Tom Pendergast do which made him a negative or bad boss?

16. William “_______” Tweed is the most infamous political boss (of New York City”.
17. His party was called _________________ _______________
18. He once charged taxpayers $13,000,000 for a courthouse that really cost ____________ to build.  He used ____________ to impose his way.
19. In 1871, disgruntled machine officials disclosed corrupt information about Tweed to the __________ _________ ___________
20. Tweed offered Thomas Nast ______________ to stop making political cartoons about his corruption
21. Tweed offered the owner of a newspaper __________________ not to publish material damaging his reputation.
22. Tweed’s ring is believed to have stolen between __________ and ___________.
23. How is Tweed portrayed in this political cartoon?

24. How is Tweed portrayed another political cartoon?

Student writing assignment- Student Learning Objective #2- Evaluate patronage (Spoils system, connections in government)

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

15.2 and New Colossus

10/5- Student learning objective #1- Students will interpret a famous source and connect it's meaning to yesterday's learning objective. 
Part 1 Directions- Read the poem and explain whether you think it is pro-immigration or anti-immigration.
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" 
Explain why you think this is pro-immigration or anti-immigration below.

10/5- Part 2 Directions- Define the words below accurately.  Use dictionary.com or another strong source if need be!
Social Work-
10/6- Part 3 Directions- Open the book link in a separate tab or open the actual textbook to the below section.  Follow the lecture, take the notes and ask questions if need be!
American History 10- 15.2 Notes (Pages 470-472)
Directions #1: Read pages 470-472 and fill in the blanks.  These will be important to study for the Test later on.
As urban populations skyrocketed, city governments all across the United States had to address problems related to ____________________, ____________________, ____________________, ____________________, ____________________ and ____________________ among others.  Some people began buying or renting property on the outskirts of town, but they would face transportation problems.  Others decided to live in cramped conditions within the cities.  Overcrowded and unsanitary multi-family urban dwellings called ____________________ became very common in cities like New York City.
Transportation problems were answered by innovations in ____________________.  San Francisco introduced ____________________ in 1873 and Boston introduced electric____________________ in 1897.
Distributing safe drinking water to citizens was also a problem.  New York City and Cleveland built ____________________ to address this problem.  Some cities put ____________________(hint- an element) in the water to avoid more citizens getting diseases like ____________________ and ____________________.
Sanitation also needed to improve. ____________________, ____________________ and ____________________ were all problems in cities.  Even when some cities tried to ventilate tentements better, people started throwing their trash in the ventilation ducts and keeping their windows closed to avoid the stench.  Something had to be done.
To address crime, ____________________ organized the first, full-time police force in 1844.  It took many years for all cities to follow and/or get the kinks of the police system worked out.
Fires were a big problem in cities because many houses were made of ____________________.  The use of ____________________ and ____________________ heaters were a common fire hazard.  The city of ____________________ hired the first, full-time fire department in 1853.  In 1871, ____________________ had a blaze that lasted over 24 hours, about ____________________people died, over ____________________ people were left homeless and ____________________ buildings were destroyed.  The city of ____________________ had an earthquake in 1906 that lasted ____________________ (duration) and the fires that resulted lasted ____________________.  An estimated ____________________people died.  Over ____________________ people were left homeless from the earthquake and ____________________ buildings were destroyed.
Social welfare reformers decided people needed extra help to survive.  The ________________________________________ preached salvation through helping the poor.  These people set up settlement houses to aid the poor. ____________________(person) helped found the Hull House in Chicago.  This is a very famous example of a settlement house.  The Jubilee House is an example of a modern-day settlement house in BostonMA (Dorchester).
Student learning objective #2- Students will summarize continuity and change in American cities.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

15.1 Immigration

Directions- While Mr. Cook takes attendance, ponder the discussion questions to produce a fruitful discussion.  Then, take notes during lecture and ask questions if needed to.  Type in google docs or take notes in a notebook.  As I always say, do what is best for you!  Afterward, the class will attempt to accomplish the learning objective.

Student Learning Objective- Students will identify and summarize the different attitudes toward immigration historically and today.

Discussion Question- Why did people come to the US early in history? (learned in US History 9)
Discussion Question- Do you think they came for the same reasons or different ones in the 1800's?  Why?

American History 10- 15.1 Outline notes
I.                    The New Immigrants
  1. Through the Golden Door
1.      Immigrants were coming to the US because
a.       _____________
b.      _____________shortages
c.       Religious or political _____________
d.      To be “_____________of passage”
2.      Europeans (East Coast- Ellis Island)
a.       _____________from Russia (pogroms)
b.      Rising population (today US population is 300,000,00 and Western Europe has roughly 370,000,000 people
c.       Scarcity of farming
d.      Jobs considered plentiful in the US
e.       Political revolts breaking out in Europe
3.      Chinese and Japanese (West Coast-Angel Island)
4.      West Indies and Mexico
a.       Jobs Scarce in West Indies, _____________boom in USA
b.      1902- National Reclamation Act- encouraged the irrigation of arid (dry) land- created farmland, which drew _____________to the US
c.       700,000 people (7% of Mexico’s population) came to the US between 1910-1930
  1. Life in the New World
1.      A difficult Journey
a.       Steamship travel
b.      _____________Ocean took 1 week
c.       _____________Ocean travel took 3 weeks
2.      _____________Island
3.      _____________Island
4.      Cooperation for survival
  1. Immigration Restrictions
1.      The rise of _____________
a.       Prescott Hall founded the Immigration Restriction League
b.      Literacy tests for immigrants
2.      Anti-Asian Sentiment
a.       _____________Exclusion Act
                                                                                                                                       i.      For 61 years only Chinese students, teachers, merchants, tourists and _____________ officials could come here
3.      The Gentlemen’s Agreement

a.       The government of _____________ agreed to limit immigration into the US.  In return the schools in San Francisco were desegregated

4 attitudes toward immigration

Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate the different attitudes toward immigration and they will proclaim which one they are in favor of!  Explain why!