Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Studying for the Reconstruction, Westward Expansion and Industrialization Test

The Reconstruction, Westward Expansion and Industrialization Unit Test is Thursday, September 28.  Tests are 100% notes and discussion based.  The notes and discussions for this unit are based on The Americans textbook chapters 12, 13 and 14.  As you know, links are available for the textbook in each section post.  Hard back books are available in 2216 also!

The test will include multiple choice and open response questions on locked mode in google forms.  Bring a fully charged chromebook always!  Open response questions will be based on course essential questions and will require answering the question appropriately and always with specific evidence.  Class review game is Wednesday, September 27.  CP2 will take a modified version of the CP1 test thus the post on the CP1 website!

What do you know from your notes regarding the current unit relating to each question possible?

  1. How have various groups attempted to Access Their Rights and how have they been Opposed?

  1. How has the rise of Mass Media influenced and transformed Culture?

  1. How does the drive to acquire Wealth influence America?

  1. Where does the drive for Expansion come from and what is its impact on America and the rest of the world?

  1. How has the rise and fall of the Industry / Labor and the Labor Movement shaped the American work environment and Economy?

  1. How have the Political Parties established and transformed their platforms to adapt to changing values in society to appeal to the masses and how have citizens affected the growth and change of political parties and government?

  1. How have advances in Technology impacted the development of the country and the American people?
  2. How is Power acquired and what measures does it take to Protect Itself?
  3. How have the cost and spoils of war affected the development of America?
  4. How has the idea of the American Dream influenced the lives of Americans and how does it evolve over time?
  5. How does [the content] change or reinforce how you see your values and decisions in your role in society (Civic identity)?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

14.3 Notes

Student Learning objective- Students will develop an understanding of the successes of 19th Century moguls like Carnegie and Rockefeller and will make connections to today.

Essential Question #3- How does the drive to acquire Wealth influence America?

American History 10- Chapter 14.3 Notes
#1-19 Monday 9/25
  1. Who are the most impressive entrepreneurs, moguls, businessmen, etc of our time?  How did they get to where they are or who they are?
  1. What is Social Darwinism?
  1.  Explain your feelings regarding Social Darwinism.  Do you agree with it?  Do you disagree?  Why?
  1. Where was Andrew Carnegie born?
  2. What was Andrew Carnegie’s first success?
  1. Why did Carnegie leave his job at the age of 29?
  2. Where did he go and what did he do?
  1. By 1899, Carnegie Steel produced more steel than all the factories in ________________.
  2. Carnegie is known as a philanthropist or a very kind person to people.  Why is that?
  1. What are vertical and horizontal integration?
  1. Who owned Standard Oil Company?
  2. How did John Rockefeller become the world’s first billionaire?
  1. Why did people call Rockefeller a “Robber Baron”?
  1. How did Rockefeller try to preserve his image?
  1. What did the government try to do with the Sherman Antitrust Act?
  1. How did Cornelius Vanderbilt die in 1877 worth about $100 million?
  1. Who did Rockefeller say “and to think he wasn’t even a rich man” about?
  2. How was J.P. Morgan rich though?
  1. What contribution did he make to the U.S. government?
#20-29 Tuesday 9/26
Essential Question #5- How has the rise and fall of the Industry / Labor and the Labor Movement shaped the American work environment and Economy?

  1. Why did people want to be in unions?
  1. What are sweatshops?
  1. How many members did the “Knights of Labor” have before they dissolved into smaller groups?
  2. What did Samuel Gompers do?
  1. Who was the founder of the U.S. Socialist party?
  2. What is Socialism?
  1. Why were the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) seen as socialists?
  1. Give an example of union actions that turned to disaster.
  1. Give an example of a union being ignored which led to a disaster!

  1. Why did “Mother Jones” lead 80 mill children to President Theodore Roosevelt’s house?
HW- Study for the Reconstruction, Westward Expansion and Industrialization Unit Test, which is Thursday, September 28.  Tests are 100% notes and discussion based.  The test will include multiple choice and open response questions.  Open response questions will be based on course essential questions and will require answering the question appropriately and always with specific evidence.  Class review game is Wednesday, September 27. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

14.2 Notes

Chapter 14 Section 2

Student Learning Objective- Students will decide how important time zones are in the US and in the world.
14.2 notes (pages 442-444)
1)       How did people tell time before established time zones?

2)       Why was our current time zone system established?

3)       How was our current time zone system established?

4)       How many time zones are there in the world?
5)       What are the time zones in the continental United States?

6)       Who was George Pullman?

7)       What did Pullman factories produce?  Explain what the product is!

8)       Who lived in the town of Pullman, IL?

9)       What facilities and services were offered or given to PullmanIL residents?

10)       What restrictions were the people of PullmanIL held to? (What weren’t they allowed to do that other adults anywhere could?)

11)   Explain the famous Credit Mobilier Railroad scandal

Revisit- Student Learning Objective- Students will decide how important time zones are in the US and in the world.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

14.1 Notes

American History 10- Chapter 14.1 notes
Chapter 14 pages 436-441
Student Learning Objective- Students will evaluate the importance of late 1800's inventions on the Industrial Revolution and on today's world!
1)       Rank the inventions or innovations of the following inventors from most important to least important
  1. Edwin Drake (first used the steam engine to drill for oil)
  2. Henry Bessemer (Bessemer Process to create steel from Iron)
  3. Thomas Edison (Incandescent Light bulb)
  4. Christopher Sholes (Typewriter)
  5. Alexander Graham Bell (Telephone)
2)       Explain why you ranked them as you did

3)       Look at the map on page 437.  How did natural resources fuel industrialization?

4)       Give three reasons why the United States went through an intense industrial boom between 1860 and 1920 (436).

5)       How exactly did the Bessemer Process work?

6)       What are some “new uses for steel” from page 438?

7)       What important discoveries did Thomas Alva Edison make?

8)       Critical Thinking: How do the innovations and inventions or Thomas Edison, Christopher Sholes and Alexander Graham Bell affect what our society is like today?

9)   Look at the three pictures on pages 440-441.  A) Describe the scene of each picture.  B) How did Industrialization severely change our country? (by observing the pictures)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Page 434 intro/CH 14 Intro/Industrialization of the late 1800's intro!

Student learning objective- Students will weigh the positive and negative consequences of the transcontinental railroad and other modern inventions and innovations and will evaluate it's importance.

Open your textbook to pages 434 and 435
or use the link- Chapter 14 Intro Industrialization

  1. What is this chapter called?
  2. What does that mean?
  3. What is happening?
  4. Describe the work of constructing railroads.
  5. Why might this be difficult or dangerous?
  6. What questions would you ask these people?
  7. blue question (What are the pros and cons of railroad expansion?)
  8. 1st "Examine the issues" question (What dangers do railroad workers encounter?)
  9. 2nd "Examine the issues" question (How will businesses and the general public benefit from the transcontinental railroad?)
  10. 3rd "Examine the issues" question (How might railroad construction affect the environment?)
  11. Critical thinking- Do you historically support or oppose the transcontinental railroad?
Revisit Student learning objectiveStudents will weigh the positive and negative consequences of the transcontinental railroad and other modern inventions and innovations and will evaluate it's importance.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Pg 406 Intro (Chapter 13/Westward Expansion)

Student Learning Objective- Students will analyze (examine methodically) the Westward Expansion of the United States in the late 1800's.

1. Describe the scene in the photograph
2. Why would owning this land be attractive?
3-6) Interact with History questions (blue question and 3 "examine the issues questions" on page 407)
3. "What do you expect to find on settling in the West?"
4. "What might be some ways to make a living on the Western Frontier?"
5. "If native peoples already exist in your intended home, how will you co-exist?"
6. "How might settlers and native Americans differ regarding use of the land?"

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

US States Map assignment

Label the map provided by writing it in the state or creating an answer key on the back or on another piece of paper.  Feel free to use online map quizzes to study also!

Wednesday, 9/6- US States Map Quiz #1- States 1-15

Thursday, 9/7- US States Map Quiz #2- States 16-30

Friday, 9/8- US States Map Quiz #3- States 31-50